Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Saraki barred from using Presidential villa gate!!

There was a mild drama on Tuesday morning between the convoy of Senate President, Bukola Saraki and stern-looking security operatives who were drafted to guard the Presidential villa gate as early as 6 am.

The operatives pointedly told the Senate President’s convoy to turn back and enter through the main gate from Federal Secretariat, stressing that their stance was on the basis of “an order from above.”

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Timi Frank, Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress, APC has written to President Muhammadu Buhari on Senate President, Bukola Saraki's current travails.
Part of the letter obtained by POST NIGERIA read; ''Mr President, it is worthy to note that Saraki in recent times has been treated as an outcast. This is very bad development which if not carefully managed will consume the All Progressives Congress and doom our democracy. What has happened unfortunately does not reflect the change we promised Nigerians.

“Is Senator Saraki the only Former governor in Nigeria? Are there no other former governors especially from the South West and other zones that are not just enjoying their booty but are integral part of the government? Yes, Saraki is not the anointed candidate for the senate presidency, but his colleagues elected him. So, why don’t we allow him some peace to deliver on the promises of change? http://www.nigerianbulletin.com/threads/saraki-apc-deputy-publicity-secretary-writes-open-letter-to-buhari.120980/

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“In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility – I welcome it.”
- John F. Kennedy, in his Inaugural Address January 20, 1961

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“Senator” Saraki could not defraud two banks to extinction and the third to comatose and seat in the Presidency of the highest law making body of this country. This is among other alleged heinous crimes he is yet to answer to. Yes, Nigeria and Nigerians tolerate a lot of things, but this one is not going to stand. Not unless Presdent Buhari wants Nigeria to burst under his watch. Saraki must go to the Courts and answer all the charges against him. If he is vindicated, he would be welcomed back. If not, he would be welcome to the oblivion of History’s dust bin. And to jail!

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Breakdown of his properties are N120 million and $224 million incomes as annual rent from
his landed properties in Nigeria and London.
Plot 212 Musa Yar'Adua Street, Victoria Island, N700 million.
Others are a plot of land on Lekki Phase (block 72), N7 million;
Ibafo near Ajah, N5 million;
Buildings on number 42 Gerrard Road, Ikoyi, N750 million;
19 Roxton Road, Ikoyi, N500 million;
62 Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, N100 million;
15A & B MacDonald, Ikoyi, N160 million
6 Vulga Street, Maitama, Abuja, N60 million.
123A, Ashley Gardens, Thirleby Road, London, valued at $750,000. (N120 Million Naira)
56 Cheyne Court, SW 3, London, $900,000; (N144 Million Naira)
54 Ashley Gardens, Ambrasden Avenue, London, $2.5 million; (N400 Million Naira)
141 Ashley Gardens, Thirleby Road, London, $600,000; (N96 Million Naira)
Nell Gwynn House, Sleave Avenue, London, $400,000; (N64 Million Naira)
Ormond House, Ormond Street, S/London, $400,000; (N64 Million Naira)
53 Ashley Gardens, Ambrasden Avenue, London, $2.5 million, (N400 Million Naira)
70 Bourne Street, S/W London, valued at $4.8 million. (N768 Million Naira)
Mercedes S320, N16 million;
Mercedes S500, N20 million;
Mercedes G500, N18 million;
Mercedes V220, N6 million
Mercedes 300E, N2 million.
Mercedes ML 240, N8.5 million;
Mercedes CLK 320, N9 million;
Mercedes E320, N11 million;
Mercedes G500 bullet-proof, N45 million
Mercedes S500 bullet-proof, N30 million.
Ferrari 456 GT N25 million;
Navigator, N15 million;
Peugeot 406, N2 million,
Lexus Jeep bullet-proof, N30 million
Lincoln Navigator bullet-proof, N25 million.
Societe Generale; N11 million
Ecobank, Broad Street, Lagos, N350, 000;
Citizens Bank, Broad Street, Lagos, N390, 000;
Citizens Bank, Broad Street, Lagos, N600,000;
Ecobank Nigeria plc, Broad Street, N10.3 million,
Guaranty Trust Bank, Adeyemo Alakija Street, Lagos, N2.9 million.

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Chief Mrs H.I.D Awolowo died on 19.09 while Chief Obafemi Awolowo was born in 1909.

Chief Mrs H.I.D died on Saturday, same as Chief Obafemi Awolowo who died on a Saturday in 1987.

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Friday, September 18, 2015


Fellow Africans, it is good to be great. It is great to be accomplished. Ambassador Chief Antonio Oladeinde Fernandez combined both and much more. If there were doubts about the wonderfulness of God in the life of Ambassador Fernandez before now, they were gloriously removed yesterday at the one-of-a-kind funeral service which was powerfully and meticulously planned by his widow, Mrs Halima Fernandez, and members of their extensive and extended families. It won’t be an exaggeration to describe it as the event of this year already. Despite the short notice given to guests considering the suddenness of unfolding events, the occasion still drew a large turnout of caring mourners.

Ambassador Fernandez was clearly a global player and it reflected in his ways and acts. I can confirm that this fact paid off handsomely and resoundingly yesterday as the capital city of Belgium bid farewell to an amazing giant. If the dead could look back and see how he was celebrated in death, Chief Fernandez would have been so proud. His wife was on top of the game. She ensured and executed a burial fit for a quintessential King and revered Statesman. That was the only way to describe the uncommon spectacle that was quickly and efficiently smoothly organised and superbly staged in Brussels by one of Africa’s illustrious families.

Chief Fernandez was not an everyday man and even in death, he was able to demonstrate how much an enigma he was. The funeral turned out to be a reunion for most people. So it was for his children who had lived far apart in the past but were unified and united in grief. They chatted, mingled, consoled and comforted one another. I was struck by the remarkable resemblance between Antonio Fernandez Jnr, the eldest son and Chief.

He quipped to me that when some people saw him at the mortuary before the funeral they took to their heels believing Chief had resurrected.  That was the kind of myth and legend that the Ajinijinni Ogun, Chief Deinde Fernandez engendered in his lifetime and obviously in death.

The maturity displayed by the eldest child, Mrs Teju Phillips was commendable and remarkable. At a stage during the sombre service, she called out her siblings and employed emotional skills to ask them to unite for the sake of their dotting dad. They complied and marched out gingerly towards the altar. Many were touched by this infectious display of camaraderie by children, some of whom had never met before the ceremony. I just prayed silently and just said “God bless these children for honouring their dad.”

The church itself is a popular monument in Brussels. Named the Church of Notre Dame du Sablon in the historic Sablon district of Brussels, the church is a Catholic Church originally built around 1400 as a chapel for crossbowmen. It was enlarged in the 15th and 16th centuries and took more than 100 years to complete all of the buildings.

Further restoration work was done about a 100 years ago. The Church is famous for its Brabantine Gothic architecture and Baroque chapels. It has an engaging long choir and enchanting glass canopies. The church is home to many works of Art and a connoisseur would simply not want to leave. Indeed, it is a glorious edifice and monument to Jesus Christ and a befitting place of worship for Kings, nobility and the wealthy and commoners alike. The service for Chief Fernandez was conducted in English and French. 

And friends and families came from far and near. The programme was brisk and business-like. There was no time for unnecessary rigmarole. Everything moved at a brisk pace once it all started. The welcome words and prayer came from one of his sons, Mr Akin Fernandez, and the fiery preacher, Pastor Tunde Bakare, a close friend and confidant of the Chief.

The first reading was taken from the book of Acts 2, 25-28 and quickly followed by the book of Psalms 91. Thereafter came another reading from the Gospel according to Matthew 25, 14-30. General intercessions were then read out by the family. It was largely a day of prayers and songs. The music largely came from antiquity and we savoured the experience. The ceremony closed with the popular Frank Sinatra song, “I did it my way.” And it was time for the final journey. The Undertakers moved in expertly to lift the casket on their shoulders followed by the family and the entire congregation.

The family lined up at the entrance to have an opportunity to receive and thank their guests properly and appropriately. After some photo opportunities, off we went to the cemetary. Those in attendance included the family of Oba Rilwan Akiolu of Lagos, Chief Bode Emmanuel , Mr and Mrs Yemi Cardoso, Kojo Annan, Prince Nasiru Ado-Bayero, Wole Omoboriowo, Oz Giwa-Amu. Please watch out for more details later.

This journey made it possible to see the importance attached to the passage of Chief Fernandez. The convoy was accompanied and guided all the way by armed police outriders. There were at least six of them.  We were informed that this was an honour reserved only for royalty and world Statesmen and it is clear that Chief Fernandez was considered as such.  We were able to drive without any hindrance from the church to the cemetery and it was surreal not to have the trouble of obeying traffic lights in a major European city. I’m sure that citizens of our host country knew an elephant had fallen by the sheer magnitude and magnificence of what they saw on their streets.

I was particularly touched by the sheer number of former employees that turned up in Brussels yesterday. They came to bid farewell to their boss. A few of them spoke eloquently about how Chief Fernandez touched and changed their lives for the better. I was happy to see Jack, the former caretaker at the Premium Point Island which was owned by Chief in New York. Jack was the expert who rhapsodised us with endless tales about Chief when I visited the Island about 15 years ago with a renowned photographer from London, Mr Colin Ramsay.

Talking of Colin, you hardly find such selfless human beings these days. My friendship with this amazing man was obviously made in heaven. After New York, we flew to Nigeria to take on additional jobs. Our biggest task after that of Chief Fernandez was the palace of gold in Maiduguri, owned by Alhaji Mai Deribe. The humongous edifice in Maiduguri was an architectural masterpiece. Colin worked without consideration of financial gain. He just loved photography and always gladly and assiduously set about his work. He loved Nigeria and Nigerians and we loved him in return. Before I met him, he was already shooting the Page 3 girls for the Vanguard newspapers. He loved to shoot models and his wife was one.

I had not spoken to Colin in a while and decided to call him about four days ago to inform him about Chief Fernandez but his wife picked the phone. After exchanging pleasantries, I asked after my friend but the wife’s response knocked me out completely: “unfortunately…” she started and I just didn’t want to hear the rest. “Colin passed away about two years ago…” it came at me like thunderbolt. I was instantly dazed. How could Colin have departed this world like that without a chance for me to say goodbye to him. Colin was just too nice to go like that. I expressed my condolence  to the wife and I felt sad all day.

I wonder what would become of Colin Ramsay’s works. It is always tragic when gifted people die. It is always hard if not impossible to find someone who can replicate the work of a genius. We are all guilty of thinking we can live forever and thus forget that every day is a bonus from God. My biggest regret as an African is the lack of documentaries, autobiographies and biographies on our icons. Just imagine that there was no book written on the breath-taking exploits of Chief Fernandez. It was one of my dreams to achieve but it never materialised. I think the trouble usually is that we all get sucked into our daily activities that we forget that the world needs to learn so much about us and the giants God regularly chooses to light up our firmament. We dally until it is too late.

And time never waits for anyone. We often postpone and procrastinate as if we have total control over matters of life and death. The lesson to learn today is that the world deserves to know more than we are currently revealing. We must encourage our great men and women to change their attitude to works of scholarship. We must endeavour to create time out of our busy schedules to write and talk. This is the only way to eliminate the ignorance of those who sit down on social media to attack every successful person without knowing anything about such people.

We have so many hardworking people in our midst but little is known about them and you can’t blame those who think everyone is a rogue based on personal bias and incurable ignorance. Let me conclude by saying it is not too late to write books on departed heroes. This is why I miss and will continue to miss Mr Dimgba Igwe who was my immediate boss at Weekend Concord. He and his own immediate boss, Mike Awoyinfa, caused a publishing revolution in Nigeria but the cruel death of Dimgba has reduced the capacity of the two inseparable friends to entertain and educate the world about great Africans. I hope that my boss for life, Mr Mike Awoyinfa, will continue to challenge himself by writing about dream-makers. His style of narration makes it easy for readers to follow and enjoy. It would be my greatest delight to collaborate with him on a few books, sooner than later. I think a book on Chief Fernandez would be a bestseller any day. It is a work that must be done.

Something serious is happening in Ile-Ife and it would require special prayers to avert the imminent danger ahead. The exit of Ooni Oba Okunade Sijuwade Olubuse II has created a major void and a possible crisis in the House of Oduduwa is in the offing. A Pastor has said I must be the next Ooni of Ife, a laughable joke indeed but we must go beyond that impossible prediction and pick the salient point. My interpretation is that the man has forewarned us about the danger that may arise if we fail to act in a fair and just manner.

What I see as causing the current tension is the decision by those in authority to change the custom of Ile-Ife by mere legislation and hide under a nebulous declaration that seeks to promote rotation which never existed in Ile-Ife history. They forget the importance and primacy of Ile-Ife not just in Yorubaland or even Nigeria, but throughout the diaspora where Yorubas abound in millions. By insisting on rotation in contravention of custom and conventional wisdom, they seek to destroy fairplay and I pray the Courts would be able to give proper interpretation and rescue our dear Ile-Ife from another round of unnecessary crisis.
May God help us.  #Pendulum

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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Happy birthday Eva!
Chelsea medic, Eva Carneiro turns 42 today. Best wishes Eva!

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VIDEO: In #Nigeria Ministers are NOISE MAKERS. Civil Servants Do More Work - President @MBuhari to French TV

@Ogundamisi Kayode

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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Where did it go wrong? Jose: "The result.We deserve a better result. We played for a better result & we don't deserve the result.Too heavy."
Mourinho: "We know that we are making mistakes, but every mistake we are punished currently."

Can Chelsea win the title? Mourinho: "I don't know. Chelsea can win the next match against Arsenal for sure. To win the title, I don't know"

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EVA Chelsea doctor...3 LETTERS. CHELSEA DOWN BY 3. solar outage again?😨 HMNNNNNNN! This is witchcraft and nothing else at work^(._.)^ ^(._.)^ *run* *run* *run* *run*
Gbenga Adeyinka

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Now REAL MADRID All Time Leading Scorer after putting 5 goals past Espanyol keeper in a 6-0 win on Saturday. Ronaldo overtook Raul.

CR7 - 230 Goals in 203 games to Rauls 228 Goals in 550 games. What a record!

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Friday, September 11, 2015


#Pendulum By @DeleMomodu. dele.momodu@thisdaylive.com

Fellow Africans, these are interesting times for our Continent. Believe me, great things are beginning to happen. I’m sure you’re wondering about the basis for my boundless optimism on this page today. I will elucidate. For a very long time, Africa’s biggest nation, Nigeria, was seen as a nuisance and treated by and large like a pariah. It was believed that we didn’t set good examples for the smaller countries to follow. Coups and counter-coups reigned supreme. Several African countries, especially on the West coast, were badly afflicted and affected.

Leadership became more of a curse than a blessing. One of my favourite African authors, Ayi Kwei Armah, took pessimism to the limit when he wrote his novel and titled it “The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born”.
This Book and its title came to my mind last Monday as President Muhammadu Buhari’s Presidential Jet, called “Nigeria Air Force” landed in the beautiful city of Accra, Ghana at the Presidential Wing of the Kotoka International Airport. The President disembarked to the tuneful martial music provided by the Ghanaian military.

The setting was picturesque! Right from the gates where heavily armed members of the Ghanaian military and security forces manned the perimeter and ushered all guests through an exceptional security screening system that had been temporarily erected for the special occasion.gaily dressed Nigerian women were on parade. Ghanaian traditional Drummers (with their Fontomfrom), performers and musicians were on hand to entertain guests as they arrived. The VIPs were ushered into a cosy waiting room where biscuits, coffee, tea, water and minerals were liberally served. The carnival-like atmosphere was infectiously captivating.

The strongman of Nigeria was coming to town and the government of Ghana was not treating it lightly. Nigerian leaders have always been highly regarded here. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has the longest road in Accra named after him and he and President John Agyekum Kufuor were instrumental to the Nigerian Banking explosion in Ghana. Therefore, anything and everything to make President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit as stately as possible was contemplated and actualised commendably by his hosts
The planning was clinically executed. The Chief Host, President John Dramani Mahama, the ebullient and Princely leader of The Republic of Ghana, left no stone unturned. He was physically present at the airport to welcome his august visitor. President Buhari was given a quintessential Akwaaba treat.

Please, let’s paint a vivid picture of the airport experience. The appointed time for touch-down eventually came. The big Boeing plane ferrying Nigeria’s President and his entourage descended smoothly on the runway. The jubilant crowd exploded in wild excitement. President Mahama walked briskly out of his lounge on a long red carpet towards the Nigeria Air Force One. He waived triumphantly at the crowd. I always find his humility very disarming. How he takes all the heat with uncommon equanimity impresses me endlessly. As I soliloquised about him, it seemed he suddenly looked in my direction somewhat telepathically. We had not seen in a long while and he just detoured momentarily and hurriedly shook hands with me before continuing his journey to the plane. Standing close were Femi Adeshina, Special Adviser, Media – who had dinner with Dr Kayode Fayemi, Sola Osunkeye MD of the Sun Newspapers Ghana and Prince Adedamola Aderemi at my home the night before. I was truly honoured and felt highly privileged.

President Buhari came into the warm embrace of President Mahama. Nigerian officials and dignitaries who assisted President Mahama to welcome President Buhari to Ghana included amongst others, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who is the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Bulus Lolo, with experienced diplomat the Nigerian High Commissioner to Ghana, Ambassador Seyi Onafowokan and Dr Kayode Fayemi, former Governor of Ekiti State. Immediately the President and his entourage stepped off the aircraft the National anthems of both countries were played and then President Buhari took the salute after reviewing the military parade.
The Ghanaian artillery complemented the colourful military ceremonies with their booming guns reverberating through the sombre skies.

That session over, the two Presidents waltzed like Siamese twins towards the dignitaries, Ghanaians and Nigerians alike, plus members of the diplomatic corps. First on were members of the Ghanaian privilegentsia, The Ministers, Service Chiefs, politicians, foreign affairs personnel and highly placed civil servants.  They had been asked to turn out in significant numbers to welcome Africa’s number one leader, President Buhari. Next in line were the Diplomatic Corps and then came the Nigerian delegation. It was certainly a good time to be a proud Nigerian.

Senator Hadi Siriki was at the head of the Nigerian welcoming team. Next to him was my humble self and then my bosom friend and the Prince of Ile-Ife, Prince Adedamola Aderemi, who as well as being a Director Of Ovation International is also Director of Energy Bank Ghana owned by Nigeria’s Jimoh Ibrahim.

I was happy to shake hands with my President. Who wouldn’t want to seize that chance as frequently as possible? Then I got a pleasant surprise again from President Mahama. “Dele Momodu is our own in Ghana” the Ghanaian leader said as he introduced me to my own leader. President Buhari exploded in laughter revealing his beautiful gap-tooth. It remains a miracle how the Ovation photographer, Ben Dzaka, managed to capture that rare moment for posterity. He must have been possessed of the Holy Spirit as he fired his camera like a sub-machine gun despite being jostled by security men and other photo merchants who were just as eager to capture our dear President in a relaxed and jovial mood.

For me, President Mahama’s gesture was the ultimate acknowledgement, and seal of appreciation for the modest contributions of the Ovation International team in bringing Nigerians closer to Ghanaians. A close relationship accompanied by mutual distrust had always existed between both countries. When Ovation International birthed in Ghana nearly 15 years ago, there was not a single Nigerian bank in the country. The commonest excuse then was that Nigerians were synonymous with scams, drugs and all the bad behaviour which was stereotypically topical at a time.

The anti-Nigerian sentiment was not limited to just one country it cut tearfully across the African continent and beyond. It was our lot to work assiduously to correct and obliterate some of the frontal and subliminal campaign of calumny against our country. Dr Tunji Kolapo and Senator Musiliu Obanikoro performed wonders during their tenures as High Commissioners with the support of the Nigerian Professionals Association led by the then Otunba Mike Ajayi, now the paramount monarch of Erinmo Kingdom.
The pages of Ovation International showcased our hard-working men and women globally and we did the same for Ghanaians. We did not discriminate.

The way and manner in which Ovation International promoted Ghana as a major tourist destination and as a conducive place for business and investment was the precursor to the flourishing inward investment Ghana enjoyed from Nigerians.
It became possible to identify the striking entrepreneurs and celebrate their giant strides. In another month or so, Africa’s global bank, United Bank for Africa, (UBA) will be rolling out the drums to celebrate its 10th anniversary as the first Nigerian bank in Ghana. That extraordinary feat was achieved by the whizz-kid of banking, Mr Tony O. Elumelu when he was Managing Director of Standard Trust Bank.

So many other Nigerian or Nigerian owned banks are now occupying eminent landscapes in Ghana. They include Zenith, GTB, First Atlantic, Access, Energy. There are other Nigerians and Nigerian entities with substantial interests in existing Ghanaian banks. The Nigerian banks record major successes in the Banking index in Ghana and are the toast of the Ghanaian banking industry for their professionalism and innovation.

The property market in Ghana witnessed a dizzying boom as many Nigerians invaded Ghana in search of choice homes and business premises. The biggest investor in properties is Mr Olu Luther King, easily the richest Nigerian resident in Ghana. The entertainment industry is controlled by Charterhouse Ghana, largely owned by Mr Iyiola Ayoade and his Ghanaian wife, Theresa. They own GHOne Television and an advertising company, Multiple Concepts. Charterhouse owns the rights to the Ghana Music Awards and Miss Malaika Ghana and it has expanded to Nigeria, Liberia, Cape Verde and others. They recently won the chunky Western Union account in West Africa.

The Oil market in Ghana is extensively controlled by Sahara Energy and Oando. The Dangote Group is making serious incursion through its cement arm. Coscharis is another big Nigerian brand on ground.
But the King of all Nigerian brands is Globacom, owned by the prodigiously gifted business Guru, Dr Mike Adenuga Jnr. GLO has firmly etched its name all over Ghana by touching everyone with its unique network. GLO has done so much to develop the local football league, and majorly fund even the Ghana Supporters Club. GLO has staged some of the A-Class events in Ghana including The GLO-CAF Awards and An Evening with Wole Soyinka and heavily branded the Ovation Red Carol when it migrated to Ghana for a couple of years. Incidentally, Ovation Red Carol is returning to Nigerian shores this year. GLO upgraded the lives of many Ghanaian showbiz personalities.

Ovation was also responsible for bringing many notable personalities to Ghana including the widely acclaimed Nigerian national leader, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Jagaban Borgu, who joined Ovation in celebrating its launch in Ghana, alongside the then Senate President Adolpus Wabara and Dr Bode Olajumoke, the famous philanthropist

Once the Presidents had finished exchanging handshakes and pleasantries with the welcoming Party they retired to the Presidential lounge at the airport for tea and coffee before proceeding to the Pedasue Lodge, Aburi, for a bilateral meeting between the two countries and a joint press conference addressed by both leaders.

The journey to Aburi was interesting as it afforded us the opportunity of seeing Ghana’s development firsthand. I travelled with Dr Fayemi and Prince Aderemi and we all marvelled at the fantastic road network, the pristine environment, the efficient but unobtrusive security network and the architecture that had gone into constructing the countryside.

The Pedasue Lodge, Aburi was itself a revelation. Built in the 1960s by Dr Kwame Nkrumah with additions and modifications thereafter, the Lodge is a beauty to behold. The understated splendour of the building and its tasteful décor and furnishing is matched by the exquisiteness of the vista when you take on the breath-taking view of the city and the mountainside from the balcony, as the two Presidents did before they started their meetings.

The bilateral meeting was attended by President Mahama, his National Security Adviser and former Ghana High Commissioner to Nigeria, Ambassador Alhaji Baba Kamara, who is our dear good friend, the lovely Attorney-General and Minister for Justice of Ghana, Mrs. Marietta Brew Oppong-Appiah, who dined on the same table with us, and the equally charming Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hannah Serwaa Tetteh amongst others. On the Nigerian side were President Buhari accompanied by the National Security Adviser, Major-General Babagana Monguno (rtd), Director-General of the National Intelligence Agency, Ambassador Ayo Oke, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Bulus Lolo and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Aliyu Isma’Ila amongst a few other aides.

Dr Kayode Fayemi, Prince Adedamola Aderemi and I were the only other people allowed into the meeting area although we of course did not attend the meeting itself. President Mahama later came out of the meeting and spent quality time chatting with the Prince of Ile-Ife an I. It was such a great encounter  as we reminisced about how I visited his home long before he became Vice President, at the invitation of Ghana’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Mr Victor Smith. The President shocked me when he said he reads my column and even mentioned one of the titles he relished so much.

After the Bilateral talks we were treated to a sumptuous Buffet by our Ghanaian hosts with lots of Ghanaian delicacies like banku, kelewele and tilapia on the menu alongside English and Chinese dishes.
Thereafter it was time for the Press conference were the two leaders dealt with matters of security, corruption, assets declaration and economic co-operation between both countries. Both leaders confirmed that economic integration in West Africa is very near the corner and the time will soon come when West Africa will be open for easy migration by its indigenes for work and residence.
We departed Aburi for the residence of the Nigerian High Commissioner to Ghana, Ambassador Seyi Onafowokan, where President Buhari met with the Nigerian Community.

Notable amongst the guests were the President, All Nigeria Community in Ghana, Moses Owharo, my good friends, Wale Ajibade, Partner, Sahara Energy responsible for Africa and the Middle East who had also been in the welcoming party at the airport; advertising guru, Wale Adeoye-Famosa and Queenette Okehie of Energy Bank Ghana. The President took questions from the Community and assured them of his administration’s commitment to enhance their well-being through improved relations with Ghana.

The President’s visit to Ghana afforded me the opportunity of meeting up with old friends in both Governments like Ghana’s Minister for Employment and Labour Relations, Mr Harunba Iddrissu, a great friend of Nigeria. The icing on the cake for me was the heart-warming message from the Ghanaian President the day after:

“Dele, many thanks for your friendship. You are a real bridge between Ghana and Nigeria. GMB had a great visit yesterday…”
Wow, I screamed,
I was deeply touched by President Mahama’s kind words…

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STAR LINK: List of Nigerian ‪#‎OilBlock‬ Largesse >>Ahmed Joda , Stella Oduah, Fola Adeola , Ndi Onyiuke Okereke Northern State Governors, Ayodeji Oluokun , Kase Lawal and Yar'Adua's Son and others benefit from the largesse

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Federal Government Releases Funds For EFCC, ICPC To Try EX-Governors


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Thursday, September 10, 2015

@FemAdesina.QUOTE: When a new sheriff comes into town, disorder gives way to order. Chaos flees. Impunity is swept away. Laxity gives way to diligence, and people change their old, unedifying ways. When you have a Wild, Wild West situation prevailing, the new sheriff comes, and stamps his authority. Old things then pass away, behold, everything becomes new.  Nigeria had always needed attitudinal change. That was why the Buhari regime launched War Against Indiscipline in the 1980s. And the war was succeeding, till a spanner was thrown in the works through regime change.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

NDIC carpets banks over contract staff, unreasonable targets for female workers

THE Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) has carpeted the nation’s Deposit Money Banks, DMBs, over the unwholesome practice of engaging contract or outsourced staff in the industry. The Managing Director of the corporation, Alh. Umaru Ibrahim, told Council Members of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria, CIBN, in his office in Abuja, that the practice was detrimental to the overall health and soundness of banks.

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Saturday, September 5, 2015

@Ogundamisi. With only $150,000 in savings, Nigeria’s leader may be the least corrupt in Africa - The Washington Post - https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/09/05/with-only-150000-in-savings-nigerias-leader-may-be-the-least-corrupt-in-africa/

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Oliseh Happy With Tanzania Draw, Praises Ikeme http://t.co/3PnaPiJjbv/s/148I

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Friday, September 4, 2015


Fellow Nigerians, it is another sad story. Barely five weeks after we lost our dear beloved royal elephant, The Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade Olubuse II, another monumental tragedy occurred. The Lion of the diplomatic fraternity has fallen. He is no other than the African icon, Ambassador Chief Antonio Oladeinde Fernandez. It is not that he was too young to die but Chief had traversed this world so much that he appeared larger than life and, as such, not likely to be bullied by any ailment that could take him away so cheekily.  But as usual death remains the unbeatable world heavyweight champion and nothing could prevent our own Chief, The Ajinijini Ogun being given a technical knockout.

My only consolation is that I had my last conversation with Chief Fernandez exactly one week ago by sheer providence. I had accompanied The Prince of Ile-Ife, Barrister Adedamola Aderemi to Iga Iduganran, The Palace of The Oba of Lagos, Olowo Eko Oba Rilwan Akiolu, on Friday, August 28, 2015. As we approached the palace, we saw the influential monarch heading out and we quickly made a call to him. He then told us to join him at a function he was attending at Onikan. After the ceremony, we then fixed an appointment for the following evening at the palace. Unknown to us fate was playing its game as usual.

At the appointed time, we landed at the palace and spent quality time chatting with Olowo Eko. We were soon joined by my great mentor, Dr Bode Olajumoke and his darling wife, Princess Remi (nee Oyekan). The discussions were as animated just as they were varied. Somewhere along the line the name of Chief Fernandez came up. I mentioned that I had called him a couple of days before but he did not answer the phone. For the sake of those who may not know the relationship between The Oba of Lagos and Chief Fernandez, they are cousins.

We knew at 86, Chief Fernandez was in a Belgian hospital awaiting whatever miracle could fully restore his health to normalcy. The King decided to call Belgium to check on Chief. Fortunately, he answered the call despite the excruciating pain he must have been going through. Oba Akiolu then announced my presence and handed his phone to me. The voice at the other end was not the strong booming baritone I was accustomed to. Chief could barely pronounce my name. Wow, I exclaimed silently and I had an instant premonition as to what to expect soon. Immediately I dropped the phone, I told everyone my sad but truthful observation. Three days later, my worst fears were confirmed.

As soon as I received a call that Tuesday evening, on September 1, 2015, from one of Chief’s aides, I knew the worst must have happened. “Chief died about one hour ago…” the voice said calmly but matter-of-factly. This was not funny at all. I was dazed and confused. So that was it. It is over, just like that. So it is true that all good and bad things shall end. Memories of Chief flooded back to me. How we met and bonded endlessly. The few times we shared together in Lagos, Kano and Edinburgh. The lengthy telephone chats, the political lectures, the wisdom of the ancients, the gifts, the father-son relationship, all gone…

I knew I would have to write another tribute this Saturday. No journalist worth his salt would ever ignore the biggest news of the week and possibly the year. Naturally my phones rang off the hook. The next 24 hours would be nightmarish, answering questions, or simply being consoled by friends. I spoke to a few personalities who knew Chief very well. Chief Harry Akande called. Pastor Tunde Bakare, who shared some of the last moments with Chief, called. Dr Olajumoke called to confirm my earlier observation in the palace during our last meeting.

I called Chief’s widow, Halima, The Baroness of Dudley, in Belgium but was not so lucky to get her. I could picture her sorrowful state from afar knowing how much she had laboured tirelessly to make Chief as comfortable as possible. I called our dear Sister, Erelu Abiola Dosunmu, who had enjoyed a celebrated marriage and whirlwind romance with Chief before their love turned sour. She was in London just as her daughter, Antoinette, was arriving Brussels by train. I spoke to Chief’s eldest child, Mrs Teju Phillips in Lagos and later paid her a visit. I also spoke with another daughter of his, Abimbola, who was in New York, having just returned from Belgium where she had gone to pay last respects to her departed father.

It is very difficult to imagine how big an achiever Chief Fernandez was. Perhaps the stature of the man is best exemplified by the fact that in its almost 20 years of existence, OVATION has not done another cover as iconic as that of Chief Fernandez, a story that was written in English, French and Portuguese.

As he exits this sinful world, Chief Fernandez deserves a standing OVATION from all Black people around the globe for doing us proud, not just as a billionaire jet-setter, but as a proud son of Africa, who has not forgotten his roots, despite his towering personality and achievement. A modified tribute as captured by our Issue 26 now follows:

The story of Ambassador Fernadez is like a fairy tale. I first heard of him in the 1970s as I grew up in the ancient city of Ile-Ife. We were all regaled with stories of this literal and figurative giant of a businessman who had just donated Cadillac Limousines to some of the most powerful Yoruba Monarchs.

When I entered the University of Ife in 1978 we also learnt about how this Business King was assisting in making life tolerable for University students by manufacturing a very small refrigerator, Gorenje, in Nigeria, and selling it to them at very affordable prices.

Much later I heard of the magnificent Tower Fernandez in the heart of Lagos Island. Having heard a lot about this International Icon of Nigerian origin and I was dying to meet him.

I was eager to meet this man who stands six feet and six inches tall, a man of stupendous wealth, a diplomat extraordinaire, a charming African King, a man of sartorial taste and style, a quintessential philanthropist who spreads his wealth to his African brothers and sisters like manure, a man of culture, a man of tradition.

For more than 10 years, I searched everywhere for any lead to this rarefied being. Everytime I got close, it seemed something would go wrong and my elusive target would disappear into thin air. Once I was convinced I had struck gold as someone gave me a multitude of telephone numbers for him in America, France and Switzerland. However, I was to be gravely disappointed as all the lines rang but not a soul bothered to answer any of those stridently consistent calls. I continued to search for this ultimate story, the sort that gives a writer his magnus opus. No matter the amount of disappointments I had to endure, I was determined never to give up and so my quest continued.

One fine day, one of my erstwhile staff suddenly told me he had met someone who claimed that he could link me to Fernandez. I did not really believe him. However, as a reporter you are trained to follow every lead even if as you predicted it ends nowhere. I decided to meet this contact to request that he put in a good word on my behalf to the enigma.

I duly met the contact who told me that “Nigeria has been most unfair to Fernandez. He wanted to do a lot of things for our country and Nigerians but he was discouraged and maligned.” Taking no chances, I left all my telephone n umbers worldwide with the contact and hoped that Chief Fernandez would call me one day as the contact earnestly promised.

One evening whilst having a drink with some friends at the Abuja Hilton Hotel my phone rang. I asked one of my reporters in Ovation to answer the call. He beckoned to me to take the phone from him without uttering a word. I did, and the biggest shock of my life up to that day occurred. “Is that Dele? This is Fernandez” a baritone voice boomed into my ears. I had spoken to the high and mighty, but none had been as elusive as this “King”, a self-made man who earned the respect of great people in foreign lands. “Your Excellency, this is a great surprise, Sir,” I said somehow nervously. That was the kind of effect my first contact with Chief Fernandez had on me.  I knew in later years that I was not alone in this experience. Even when close to death, his nurses and doctors were intimidated by his avuncular presence as he would order them about and direct commands at them as to what medication he had deemed fit to take or not.

He was the last person I expected to speak with that night. He said he had got my message and he was aware of all the efforts I had made to contact him. He told me that he doesn’t seek publicity but he wanted to thank me for my efforts. “I am told that your magazine is very good and that you are very responsible”, he said. My head was beginning to swell. I told him that I had seen photographs of his private jet, yacht and New York Island in the Nigerian magazine, National Encomium, and would love to visit his home in New York to have a first-hand experience. He told me that he would invite me to visit him in New York and would give me access to his homes on his Island in New York and his Chateau in France to take photographs but that he would not grant an interview.

I informed him that I wanted to do a story that would inspire men and women of my generation to show them that if you dream big and work hard you would make it big like Fernandez. He was quite comfortable with my ideas.  He promised to ask one of his personal assistants to discuss modalities with me. True to his word, the following day a call came through from an Algerian guy. The rest is history as Ovation Magazine did a fabulous cover story on Titan.

The arrangements required me to travel to London to secure the services of one of the most accomplished photographers in the world, Colin Ramsay. Ramsay instantly agreed to travel with me to New York for this momentous photo-shoot. Ramsay is one man who knows everything about anything.  A former air force pilot, this Scotsman octogenarian has travelled extensively around the world initially with the air force and thereafter following his true love, photography. He has photographed numerous celebrities around the world including the English royal family. Colin was therefore the perfect choice for the job and he did not let me down.

Colin and I travelled together to New York shortly after I contacted him. As soon as we landed at John F Kennedy Airport, we drove straight to the Peninsula, the Premium Point Island outside New York where Chief Fernandez and his then wife, Chief Mrs Aduke Olufunmilayo Fernandez (now of blessed memory) and their two daughters, Abimbola and Atinuke, lived in a paradise on earth.

We went round the Island and the more we looked the more we discovered about the Island and its owner, Chief Fernandez. He was simply an outstanding man living on a magical planet. Even my photographer, who had photographed many homes of celebrities like Imelda Marcos and Liz Taylor was clearly overwhelmed by the splendour, opulence and sheer luxury of the Fernandez home. It was a beautiful, classy and elegant home and Colin sweetly remarked in open amazement that he could never imagine that anyone, let alone an African, could demonstrate such imagination and creativity in the design of the Island and its appurtenances. We had been booked to spend five days on the Island but we began to wonder whether we would be able to accomplish as much as we needed to do if we were to properly reflect the grandeur that we had been privileged to experience.

In keeping to form Chief Fernandez had travelled to Beijing and Hong Kong, whilst Colin and I were his guests so there was no chance of us being able to photograph, not to mention interview him.  His absence gave us an opportunity to roam the premises freely and do as we liked. Daily, we worked for 12 hours before retiring to our hotel which was just 30 minutes away.

The highly civilised and cerebral Chief granted us access to every room in the house including his bedroom. During our numerous telephone conversations, he maintained that he was a fulfilled man with nothing to hide. He did his business openly and enjoyed his life privately and quietly.  He pointed out that he was not a recluse but did not fancy intrusion into his privacy. He expressed delight at the prospect of our story on him inspiring younger people in particular since he was an epitome of the success of dedication, hard work and perseverance. For a man who made his first million US Dollars by seizing an opportunity that opened up for him and working hard at it, Chief Fernandez’s story is the stuff of which dreams are made. 

We must note that Nigeria was not kind to Chief Fernandez. As is mostly the case, the country failed to honour this great son of Africa, in his own homeland.

Just watch as crocodile tears are shed now that the legend is gone. That is our style here…

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What Atiku Said About President Buhari’s First 100 Days In Office.

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Revealed: Super Eagles Starting Line-Up Vs Tanzania - Complete Sports Nigeria http://t.co/S4BAHW1ELD/s/HOvX

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Mourinho, Lampard in Guinness World Records Book

Mourinho is the best manager in England, so it probably comes as no surprise that the Chelsea boss will get 4 entries into the 2016 Records Book. His records are for, Most points in an EPL season (95), Most CL wins with different clubs (2), Youngest Manager to reach 100 CL matches (49y 12d) & Most games unbeaten at home (77)

Lampard holds the record for most PL sides scored against (39)

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

"Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has publicly declared his assets as has Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo SAN". A statement by the Senior Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the President on Media and Publicity, Mr Garba Shehu said that prior to being sworn in on May 29, President Muhammadu Buhari had the following: N30 million to his name. He also had only one bank account, with the Union Bank. He owns 5 homes, and two mud houses in Daura. He has 2 undeveloped plots of land, one in Kano and the other in Port Harcourt. Own Farms, an orchard and a ranch. The total number of his holdings in the farm include 270 heads of cattle, 25 sheep, five horses, a variety of birds and a number of economic trees”. Uses a number of cars, two of which he bought from his savings and the others supplied to him by the federal government in his capacity as former Head of State. The rest were donated to him by well-wishers after his jeep was damaged in a Boko Haram bomb attack on his convoy in July 2014. President Buhari “had shares in Berger Paints, Union Bank and Skye Bank”.
The Full Details Of Buhari and Osinbajo’s Assets.
"Assets Declaration Form Confirms Buhari Austere Lifestyle"
Documents submitted by President Muhammadu Buhari to the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB), show that the retired General has indeed been living an austere and Spartan lifestyle, contrary to what many might expect of a former Head of State of Nigeria and one who has held a number of top government positions, such as governor, Minister of petroleum and the head of the Petroleum Development Trust Fund (PTDF).
The documents submitted to the CCB, which officials say are still being vetted and will soon be made public, show that prior to being sworn in on May 29, President Buhari had less than N30 million to his name. He also had only one bank account, with the Union Bank. President Buhari had no foreign account, no factory and no enterprises. He also had no registered company and no oil wells.
The Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo (SAN) who had been a successful lawyer before his foray into politics declared a bank balance of about N94 million and 900,000 United States Dollars in his bank accounts.
President Buhari declared however that he had shares in Berger Paints, Union Bank and Skye Bank.
“This is entirely unlike what one might expect from a former head of state of a country like Nigeria,” a source who was given the document to handle said. The documents also revealed that President Buhari had a total of five homes, and two mud houses in Daura. He had two homes in Kaduna, one each in Kano, Daura and in Abuja. One of the mud houses in Daura was inherited from his late older sister, another from his late father. He borrowed money from the old Barclays Bank to build two of his homes.
President Buhari also has two undeveloped plots of land, one in Kano and the other in Port Harcourt. He is still trying to trace the location of the Port Harcourt land. In addition to the homes in Daura, he has farms, an orchard and a ranch. The total number of his holdings in the farm include 270 heads of cattle, 25 sheep, five horses, a variety of birds and a number of economic trees.
The documents also showed that the retired General uses a number of cars, two of which he bought from his savings and the others supplied to him by the federal government in his capacity as former Head of State. The rest were donated to him by well-wishers after his jeep was damaged in a Boko Haram bomb attack on his convoy in July 2014.
As revealed by the same forms, highlights of the Vice-President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo’s asset declaration include his 4-bedroom residence at Victoria Garden City, Lagos and a 3-bedroom flat at 2 Mosley Road, Ikoyi. The Vice President also has a 2-bedroom flat at the popular Redemption Camp along Lagos-Ibadan Expressway and a 2-bedroom mortgaged property in Bedford, England. Aside from these, the Vice President has no other landed properties on the form. Apart from his law firm, known as SimmonsCooper, the Vice-President also declared shareholding in six private companies based in Lagos, including Octogenerium Ltd., Windsor Grant Ltd., Tarapolsa, Vistorion Ltd., Aviva Ltd. and MTN Nigeria.
According to details shown on the form, the Vice-President has about ninety four million naira, nine hundred thousand US dollars and nineteen thousand pounds in Nigerian Banks with the foreign currencies kept in local domiciliary accounts. His personal vehicles are one Infinity 4-Wheel Drive SUV, one Mercedes Benz and a Prado Jeep.
“As soon as the CCB is through with the process, the documents will be released to the Nigerian public and people can see for themselves,” the source said.
SSAP (Media and Publicity)

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President Buhari And VP Osinbajo Declare Assets. http://tiwasblog.co/2015/03/president-buhari-and-vp-osinbajo-declare-assets/

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Kayode @Ogundamisi. Nigeria recalls 3032 Soldiers dismissed under former President Goodluck Jonathan. Recalled soldiers ordered back to the frontline in battle against Boko Haram Terrorists.

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Photo Of The Survivor Of The Trailer Accident In Ojuelegba Yesterday

The man in the white car that was almost crushed by the trailer that fell from the bridge in Ojuelegba, Lagos yesterday September 2nd. He managed to escape from his car unhurt.


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Breaking! The information coming in just now says DSS has fired Marilyn Ogar, 14 others.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

This horrible incident happened around 4.45pm. A trailer skidded off the Ojuelegba flyover a and landed on top of a car and an SUV, crushing some occupants in the vehicles. http://tiwasblog.co/2015/02/photos-of-the-container-that-fell-down-from-ojuelegba-bridge-and-lands-on-cars/

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Governor Akabio flown abroad for medical treatment? IMPOSICANT the man who built ‘WORLD CLASS HOSPITAL’ in Akwa Ibom coming abroad for a minor impact? Why would he abandon that "world class" hospital in Uyo for the NHS in London. Akwa Ibom should demand a refund from Mr Gringory - Kayode @Ogundamisi

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