Wednesday, November 16, 2011

John Nwobodo Carpenter4:10am Nov 16
Enough of facebook or keyboard activism,Its not evrybody that can lay hands on pc ,lappie or Smartfones,I went out there to live and mingle with the real Nigerians,Those whose voice needed to be heard,the ones who are really feeling the heat of governance,Its difficult to say all I encountered,Lots of Injustice ,indiscipline and suffering is been swept under carpets,lots of Camels are passing through needles,Right from Lagos to all Towns and Vilages I visited,I doubt If Hell wont be better to the kind of Life Nigerians are subjected to ,through the carelessness,negligence and greediness of people they queued in the sun to vote for,I
hadInterviews with some Village chiefs,Local leaders,Uncountable unemployed youths who engaged themselves in series of manual labour just to make ends meet,So fortunate to come across a Local govt caretaker chairman convoy ,The man ,maybe been diplomatic,tried to explain what they face from the federal govt as well and that He cant do more than available funds.I now realise why corruption has become Nigerias third fourth religion,aside the known two and football,Govt establishments are in deplorable state just like the amenities,I visited the Oyo state secretariat in Ibadan ,you wont believe the sight and scenes inside where Our governor works its now worse than you can ever imagine and thank God there is HEAVEN,it would have been better for poor man not to be born in this our country,Even the so call rich living in the country arent finding things easy as they may pretend apart from exporting our petrol dollars,Because we all share ,up Nepa share Bad roads in common,The few that tried to fly their copter or chopper are afraid of dangling wires.Bribery now appear in proper nakedness in any of the establishment ,Police dont even care whether you are armed with smartfones or cameras again while operating,Right from the Abule Egba road till I get to the international Airport,you must settle,Even the airline officials are openly asking for settlement,One custom lady told me "you must drop something or drop you bag,But think tiwce before droppin your bag ooo"I got the message immediately,they may end up planting somethin in my bag ,or still be delayed .Who are those castigating Baba Suwe?I saw a lot of at the Nigerian Airport,lots are happening with no one to question,Where are we heading,I dont have a clue,Yesterday ,I got up to go and register my anger with the Nigerian Ambassador in Uk and relay my experience ,If theres anythin advice from him,When I got there I understand He was having a party(I think celebrating the just concluded national honour with friends and diplomats,I saw protesters outside the Nigerian Embassy,I was happy thinking it will be a good ground for me to display.I was armed pictures of bad roads,graduates selling recharge cards or gala ,dilapidated schools and hungry lookin young men as what to display,But What I saw on the placards shocked me ,Ask me what it is---------------------------
"Rights of GAYSand LESBIANS"
Im not against anybodys right,but is this the right time for that ?I just took a U turn and return home,where are we heading,who will save Nigeria.In a situation where someone that has just been given a national honour is been investigated for corruption within one week,My guys shouting or arguing on the internet wont go any where ,we need to be on the street,I tried my best ,but am just a voice out of 150m,I cant cry for Nigeria cos,I continue to stretch the neck where the future is.I have pix and videos to back all I wrote above if theres any THOMAS around here !I sincerely appologise to my friends who I promised to link up with that the situation wasnt that encouraging for me to be bubbling here and there,but I did what you sent me to do.

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