Tuesday, May 29, 2012


No Coup Gamble for Nigeria Please

From Lagos to Kaduna From Enugu to Maiduguri From Jos to Port-Harcourt TOGETHER, We Reject Current Unprecedented Levels of Corruption And Apparent Panic Treasury Looting in Federal, State,Local Governments And Non Governmental Institutions in Nigeria.

BUT We Do Not Approve of Any Coup Gamble That Is Likely To Eventually Lead to A Violent , Wasteful, Destructive Disintegration of Nigeria.

THEREFORE We Shall Work Together to Pursue Positive Change in our Obviously Imperfect Civil Democratic Set Up To Make Life Better for ALL Nigerians.

We BEG Mr President, All State Governors, Federal and State Legislators and Three Leading Traditional Rulers from Each State to Please Coordinate and take Urgently Needed Actions to Save Nigerian People from Imminent PREVENTABLE FURTHER CALAMITIES and CHAOS.


These should include but not limited to working earnestly to :

1. Pass and IMPLEMENT laws to legally empower and finance State Police NOW.

2. Pass and IMPLEMENT laws to empower voluntary organized security intelligence and civil defence outfits at Village, Town, State and Zonal = Regional levels NOW.

3. Pass and IMPLEMENT laws that ensure public accountability by public servants to Nigerian people at all levels NOW.

4. Pass and IMPLEMENT laws that compel public servants to pursue people security and development as first priority with resources currently available.

5. Pass and IMPLEMENT laws that further guarantee freedom to political, religious and other beliefs and association for ALL who live in Nigeria.

6. Pass and IMPLEMENT laws that compel obviously orderly free and fair future Nigerian elections at ALL levels.

7. Pass and IMPLEMENT laws for TRUE FEDERALISM in Nigeria NOW.

Recognise the Six Nigerian Zones in current existence as Regional Groups of States in the Nigerian Constitution. Drop all discussion of and waste of precious resources on new predictably unviable states creation now.‬

8. Make Nigerian Federal Government Executive to be CONSTITUTIONALLY ALWAYS NATIONALLY INCLUSIVE by compelling ONE nomination by the elected state assembly from each state in a smaller Federal Government Executive .9. Work out New Equitable Revenue Sharing Formula to increase percentage allocation to all states for increased responsibilities.

10. Stop taking ALL FOREIGN LOANS for now but concentrate instead first on stopping panic treasury looting and large scale assets thefts from Nigeria.

Thank you.
From Dr Kayode Olamijulo

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