Tuesday, July 29, 2014


"What will not woman, gentle woman, dare, When strong affection stirs her spirit up?" - Robert Southey, 1774-1843, English Poet.

With tears of joy I watched Blessing, Chika and Itohan as they danced in Glasgow, Scotland adorning the Green-White-Green at the ongoing Commonwealth Games and telling the world that Nigeria is not all about the two evils of Boko Haram and ill-rule BUT there remaineth (pardon my King James grammar) a generation of excellence, and women of candour, strength, resilience and patriotism.

Yes, Blessing Okagbare just yesterday shattered the Commonwealth Games 100m Women Record as she ran her way to the Gold medal. Days earlier the 16year old Chika Amalaha had also broken the Games record in her Weightlifting category as she won Gold for Nigeria. And Itohan had smashed our own National record in her Weightlifting category as she brought Nigeria a Silver.

The men do not seem so fired up perhaps because 'the troubles with Nigeria' hits them the most and by Jove troubles their tenacity for trophies, however they have won a few medals chiefly the Bronze. In all our National Flag gets waved in far away Scotland.

To the Trio, the great female homo sapiens of Nigerian stalk, to Blessing, Chika and Itohan I doff my hat. May your victory re-energize and re-invigorate the call for the release of the Innocents of Chibok who are yet in the dungeons of the impish Haramists 106days today, yes, they are girls like you, nay they are the victims of ill-rule and politricks.

To you Blessing and Chika the Gold Medalists, may the message in your names speedy the dawn we seek, for Chika (God is the greatest) and from HIM Blessing comes, may the Almighty thereto give us the grace to adorn and wave the Green-White-Green in triumph over terror, poverty and ill-rule, and may HE bless our Fatherland. So Mote It Be. Amen.

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

Posted via Composer

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