Monday, August 31, 2015

Two slaugthered, houses razed in Ogun cult clashes
AUGUST 31, 2015
Two persons have been killed and two other houses razed when some suspected cultists, said to be members of Aiye and Eiye Confraternity clashed at the Ago Odo and Elega areas in Abeokuta on Monday.
The Ogun State Police Command, which confirmed the killings, said the two victims were slaughtered, their throats removed while their two hands were cut and taken away by their assailants.
Details later…

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Godswill Akpabio, (Immediate past-Governor, Akwa Ibom State, South-South Nigeria; Minority Leader, Senate of the Federal Republic) escapes death in an Abuja auto crash today, August 31, 2015

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Did you notice say na Ibo dey get Christian name as middle name pass?? e.g...Ezeonu Joseph chukwudi =d Na yoruba you go see say one person get 5names and everything na yoruba name... Olayemi Oladipupo Adetide Oremipo oluwawa Hausa name na 3 , but e dey be like 5 Umaru-Sheu Musa Yar'Adua

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Sunday, August 30, 2015

After not conceding for 331 minutes, United let in two in five as Ayew and Gomis beat poor Romero to secure Swansea comeback

MATT BARLOW AT THE LIBERTY STADIUM: Andre Ayew and Bafetimbi Gomis helped Swansea come from behind to inflict defeat on Manchester United for the first time this season.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

@DeleMomodu Federal Character has become nothing but a nomenclature for a grand scam to distribute the national cake amongst the few members of the privileged class while the ordinary man on the streets continues to wallow perpetually in abject poverty.

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Friday, August 28, 2015

“And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men it will come to nothing. But if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest you even be found to fight against God.” – Acts of The Apostles 5: 38-39 #Pendulum

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29 Aug 2015

Pendulum By Dele Momodu               

“And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men it will come to nothing. But if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest you even be found to fight against God.” – Acts of The Apostles 5: 38-39

Fellow Nigerians, let me make a quick confession. Our dear country has been very sick. As a matter of fact, we’ve been lying critically prostrate without any concrete attempt to find a cure for our maladies. The reason for the lack of interest is simple and straight-forward.

Many of our political leaders are those the Yoruba often refer to as arijenidimodaru (those who thrive in chaos). They must continue to scatter everywhere and scare everyone with their chicanery. That is the only business they know that can yield bountiful harvest. They do not care how many of our citizens would suffer untold hardship in the process.

I’m an unrepentant disciple of the founder father and first President of the Republic of Ghana, Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah. As a young student at the then University of Ife, I bought, devoured and savoured practically all his seminal works on political science and ideology. My favourite of his books was Africa Must Unite. It opened my eyes to the limitless opportunities that await Africa if our different countries can stand as one as opposed to the artificial barriers or divisions deliberately erected by the colonialists. The colonial masters are gone but they have been speedily replaced by neo-colonialists who seek act worse by enslaving their own people.

It would amount to a grand illusion to think Africa can unite when the individual countries that make up our continent are virtually in tatters. Brothers are up in arms against their brethren. And the falcon can no longer hear the falconer.  As a small boy in Ile-Ife we lived in peace with our neighbours no matter where they had migrated from. Even the Igbos who travelled home during the Biafra internecine war came back to meet most of their properties and personal effects intack. The politicians competed amongst themselves and each of our six regions enjoyed some measure of autonomy and progressed at its own pace.

I don’t know what went wrong. All that I know is that something terrible happened to our country and we all started misbehaving by mistrusting ourselves. What made matters worse was the fact that the solutions we thought could help actually worsened the situation and our condition became even more critical. Today, we have all returned to our ethnic cocoons and the so-called Federal Character has failed to characterise us as a people with serious vision and mission. Federal Character has become nothing but a nomenclature for a grand scam to distribute the national cake amongst the few members of the privileged class while the ordinary man on the streets continues to wallow perpetually in abject poverty.

I wish to sound a note of warning and caution please. Nigeria cannot continue to live in fools’ paradise. I will endeavour to explain what I mean by that statement. We all know what made some countries develop while others remain backward. It is not too difficult to study the history of nations to examine, discover and emulate what they did right and eschew what they did wrong. One of the things I discovered about great nations is the ability to be as tolerant of different races, or ethnicities as much as possible, even if they have to pretend about the existence of prejudices. For Nigeria to join the comity of great nations our people must learn to embrace meritocracy above ethnic jingoism.

It is easy to validate my thesis. I don’t know if you already suspect where I’m coming from and going. But I will explain it as best as I can. Once again, our President is under attack from those who believe he is on a mission to Northernise the whole of Nigeria by offering the juiciest appointments to people from his own parts of our great country. An old schoolmate called me frantically yesterday to complain bitterly about the recent appointments of people of Northern origin into key positions of the Buhari administration. “Dele, I’m calling you so that you can explain what your government is doing because you were one of those who forced Buhari on us…” he thundered. I was as cool as cucumber and replied him calmly…

“I’m not in government and so cannot hold brief for President Muhammadu Buhari but I’m willing to put a bet on him that he will deliver as promised. His style and methodology may be strange and quaint to our clime but I think he is serious about changing Nigeria for good. Let us watch for a little while and see what happens.”

I was able to calm my friend down but he promised to come back to me as soon as he feels the president is fumbling too much. I said, I will welcome him again. What I noticed about all those criticising the President is that they are unhappy because their kinsmen have not been chosen and not because most of the appointees are not competent or qualified, The trouble is we’ve come on this long journey leading to perdition that we no longer know how to turn back to our path of salvation.

Many of the young ones have been cruelly infected with the same disease, unfortunately. I read many of them beating the drums of war, annihilation and complete disintegration. It is such a shame. Even if I admit and agree that we have some serious ethnic issues to sort out, I don’t believe it warrants an invitation to anarchy. War has never been a tea party anywhere. It has never given birth to something good and we must be careful not to make our matters worse than they are right now.

I have never receive answers to some cogent questions I raise about what we stand to gain if we break up into tiny pieces. No amount of frustration should drive us to the precipice again. A little tolerance and self-discipline can cure our migraine, trust me. Nigeria is a beautiful country as well. The more I travel round our nation the more I discover our inherent beauty. Two things should be invested in urgently. The first is education. And when I talk about education, we must improve on our school curriculum to include our ancient and contemporary history. An average Nigerian youth today is less informed than in our own time about Nigerian history. Education and exposure to other cultures would break down some of the artificial barriers that have separated us for far too long. Our schools must encourage our kids to learn about Nigeria while teaching them about other places.

I have had the privilege of visiting several cities in recent time. There was nowhere I went in Nigeria that we were not well received. I came to the conclusion that education and social media have opened up our country in a way that was difficult or impossible in the past. At airports, banks, palaces, people walked up to me joyfully asking for photo-opportunities and  where I came from was never an issue.

The second solution is to engage our traditional institutions more. Attempts to whittle down the power and relevance of our traditional rulers have been counter-productive. It is obvious that customs don’t die. Culture is very obstinate and there is not much we can do to modify or obliterate it. People respect their kings more than political leaders. Once upon a time, kings were very powerful and influential. Just imagine that the first African Governor in Nigeria was The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adesoji Tadeniawo Aderemi. He was still able to combine that with his traditional duties. He was able to do that because he was educated.

I was very impressed when I visited his Eminence The Sultan of Sokoto Sa’ad Abubakar III last weekend. That visit opened my eyes to so many things the chief of which is that our country is changing. We were warmly received in the palace by Sarkin Kudu Sokoto, PrinceMuazzu Abubakar III, who led us into a waiting room. Apparently THE Sultan had just returned from an environmental sanitation exercise with the Sokoto State Governor, Waziri Aminu Tambuwal. Before long, we (The Ife Princes Adedamola and Adedayo  Aderemi and I) were ushered in to the spacious office of His Eminence. I really didn’t know what to expect as my palpitating heart did some frog jumps. But behing that desk sat one of the most important spiritual leaders in Nigeria.

We exchanged pleasantries and it wasn’t very long before we started discussing like old buddies. We met a man completely at ease with everyone around him. We chatted endlessly and eventually went to our hotel to refresh. The big deal was when The Sultan told us to return for dinner at about 830pm.  We were indeed flabbergasted by this gesture.  We arranged promptly as arranged and we entered the special hut only to meet The Sultan alone. We seized that rare opportunity to ask almost everything under the sun. We were stunned to discover how articulate. The Sultan is so informed and we were wowed by his elevated level of discourse. The palace is run like a communist enclave with so many dependants living in the over hundred houses attached to the palace. All of them are connected to electricity and generators.  

He told us he was expecting his guests. About 12 of them joined us inside while many others are outside the hut. The dishes were elaborately laid out on the floor. Everyone was served and after dinner, guests left one after the other after paying homage to The Sultan. We spent another hour chatting and by the time we left, were more informed about Sokoto and Nigeria in general.

Our next port of call was Kano. We spent more time in Kano and gained so much knowledge. If you’ve never visited Kano, then you’ve missed a lot. The Kano palace is in a class of its own. Its splendour is a sight to behold. We were welcomed to the palace by The Emir’s special aide Babaisa Ado-Bayero who later took us to a Moroccan-styled garden to meet His Highness. His Highness The Emir of Kano Muhammadu Sanusi  combines Western education with a solid grounding in Islamic studies. He’s never hidden the fact that his greatest ambition on earth is to be The Emir of Kano and God answered his prayers. His trajectory is a fairy-tale of sorts. He was able to face and conquer adversities.

Having audience with The Emir is a great delight. He speaks the best of Queen’s English just as he knows his Holy Koran by rote. We were greatly inspired by him. We saw a man who matched his words with action. He demonstrated how a true believer should forgive the past by not dwelling on the issues he had with my past articles. The Emir is very methodical and it was to my greatest delight watching him at such close proximity. Our first meeting was in the night of last Monday while the second was the following morning. We had private audience on both occasions and left totally humbled by such efficiency. We left absolutely satisfied that a Nigeria without borders is very possible in the foreseeable future. We must tear down these walls and build new bridges of love.

I was privileged to attend what was tagged An Evening with Wole Soyinka which was hosted by telecom giant GLOBACOM last night in Lagos. It was an event organised to celebrate the life of the Nobel Laureate, a literary giant who has successfully combined all the genres of writing almost effortlessly.

It was such a great fun for many of us as we watched and listened to the question and answer session. The ceremony ran smoothly and we enjoyed good plays, readings, music, food and wines as usual with events hosted by the one and only Dr Michael Adeniyi Agbolade Isola Adenuga. At 81, Professor Soyinka looked very strong and spritely. What more can one ask for in life? Let’s toast to this awesome writer and one of the world’s greatest icons, Professor Wole Soyinka. 

Group Head, Graphics & Design
(Computer Department)

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Customs, Immigration Service get New Head

The Nigerian Customs Service and the Nigerian Immigration Service now have new helmsmen.
President Muhammadu Buhari gave his approval for the appointment of the new helmsmen on Thursday.

While retired Colonel Hameed Ibrahim Ali was appointed the Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Customs Service, Martin Kure Abeshi was named the Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Immigration Service.

Other appointments made by the President on Thursday were Senator Ita Enang as the Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate) and Hon. A. Suleiman Kawu as the SSA to the President on National Assembly Matters (House of Representatives).

The appointments take immediate effect.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

‎Quote: #Nigeria
      " It is disheartening that the abducted [Chibok girls] have not been rescued after [500 days] after their kidnap. The kidnapped pupils were potential doctors when we sent them to take their first qualifying examination. Up till today we cannot say whether they are alive, ‎wheather they are in slavery or had been sold off. All we know is that they have been de- humanized, brutalized and their childhood taken from them. Sometimes I wonder wheather we are speaking of this very planet on which you and I are standing today..."
 - Professor Wole Soyinka in 'Faith, Science And Imagination In The Temple Of Knowledge'‎

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‎Quote: #Nigeria
      " It is disheartening that the abducted [Chibok girls] have not been rescued after [500 days] after their kidnap. The kidnapped pupils were potential doctors when we sent them to take their first qualifying examination. Up till today we cannot say whether they are alive, ‎wheather they are in slavery or had been sold off. All we know is that they have been de- humanized, brutalized and their childhood taken from them. Sometimes I wonder wheather we are speaking of this very planet on which you and I are standing today..."
 - Professor Wole Soyinka in 'Faith, Science And Imagination In The Temple Of Knowledge'‎

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#Nigeria. The Face of Anti Corruption Struggle Should not Have a Tribal Mark.

The narrative that asking a politician we admire to account for public money entrusted as "pull him/her down" is the very reason Nigeria may never progress.
Nothing like Nessasary corruption or stealing "unbehalf of the people" to liberate them. If that is right then the armed robber who robs a bank killing many and sharing his blood money with needy family can also justify his action.

We can not be selective in our fight against corruption. Even if someone is the best performing public servant, asking them to account isn't "pull him/her down" in fact it strengthens them if they are made to account.

Also that infertile submission that someone can't be exposed becouse he or she's being hunted by political opponents is silly.

It is in the interest of the Nigerian masses that the thieving ruling elites should fight to a stand still so the people can see that all they clap for are simple crumbs and that if ALL of the commonwealth are judiciously spent, Nigeria would have been a paradise.

Only enablers or beneficiaries of corruption would campaign for an Apparthied system in the fight against corruption.

The commons man simply want JUSTICE irrespective of the tribal mark or so called "performance" of the thief. Kayode @Ogundamisi

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John Stones starts for Everton against former club Barnsley despite handing in transfer request

Stones handed in a transfer request on Tuesday to try and force through a move to Chelsea but will start in the Capital One Cup clash

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Jack Lang on @Neymar
“ The crux of the matter is this: if Neymar does want to leave Barcelona for Man United, he is either greedy beyond belief or an egotist of the highest order ”
1 day ago

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Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State says former Minister of the Niger Delta, Mr Godsday Orubebe is afraid of President Muhammadu Buhari’s planned probe of several billions of naira squandered on the East-West road and on the Amnesty programme under his watch as Minister of the Niger Delta Affairs, adding that this is the basis for his latest outburst in the media.

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Nigeria Spends N16billion Annually On Tomatoes Importation

See a run down>>>>

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Several months ago, as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) was pushed to postpone the 2015 general elections, a video was released of an alleged Islamist terrorist caught in a woman’s dress.


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The Tokyo based Nigerian student Ufot Ekong who solved a 30 year old math puzzle has been received by President Buhari during the 2015 Diaspora Day in Aso Villa last night.


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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

#Nigeria. That Lagos Golden Website and Borehole made out of Silver - Need for a Probe in Lagos. We do not need to SPEAK IN TOUNGUE @EFCC_Nigeria MUST commence a probe into Lagos State Government account from @AsiwajuTinubu up until @tundefashola it is only right based on the revelations that is coming from the government of @AkinwunmiAmbode . It is more interesting that the ‘revelations’ of over inflated contracts and high level corruption isn’t coming from ‘busy bodies’ and the usual suspects but from within the ruling APC and the Lagos State Government. Governor Ambode can turn the page if he’s able to audit Lagos. Right now the figures are embarrassing and only an equitable, transparent probe will satisfy citizens. Kayode @Ogundamisi

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Mourinho’s Interview After 3-2 Against West Bromwich Albion

He confessed it wasn't an easy one>>>>

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#BuhariPhobia: ‘Super Rich’ Civil Servants Rush to Sell Houses

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FACTS Pulis has won 2 #BPL games against Mourinho, no manager has won 3 against Jose #WBA #CFC

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“It’s time we took Pedro seriously,” Guardiola had said after he scored in a 2-0 win at the Bernabéu in April 2010, taking Barcelona top and effectively clinching the title. It may be five years ago now, yet somehow the sentiment still carries some relevance even though Guardiola was right when he said Pedro would “write history here, in golden letters”. Twenty-two trophies he has won.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

@DeleMomodu #Pendulum. BACK TO OUR ROOTS


Fellow Nigerians, I had cause to visit Yakooyo, a very small town in the State of Osun days ago. I had not been here I’m sure in over two decades. As tiny as Yakooyo is, this rural settlement boasts of one of the most famous military icons in Nigeria, Lt. General Alani Ipoola Akinrinade. For those who may be too young to remember this great veteran of many exploits, let me make a brief introduction. Born on October 3, 1939, General, as we all fondly call him, started his early life in his home town but travelled out for his secondary education at Offa Grammar School before joining the Army as a cadet in 1960. He later attended the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, in the United Kingdom from August 1960 and was duly commissioned as Second Lieutenant in the Infantry Corps on December 20, 1962. He attended the Infantry Officer Career /Airborne Course in the USA, the Staff College, Camberley and Royal College of Defence Studies in the United Kingdom…

The General rose rapidly: Lieutenant in 1963, Captain in 1965, Major in 1967, Lt. Colonel in 1968, Colonel in 1972, Brigadier-General in 1974, Major General in 1976 and Lt. General  in 1979. The attractive, affable, amiable but stern General occupied many positions in the Army notable of which are: GOC of 1 Infantry Division 1975-1979, Member Supreme Military Council during Murtala/Obasanjo regimes 1975-1979, Chief of Army Staff and eventually, Chief of Defence Staff, before his voluntary retirement in 1981. Space and time would not allow me to shower enough encomiums on this gentleman officer and Statesman but I had the pleasure of meeting him at home this week in the company of my very good friends, Prince Adedamola Aderemi and Senator Tokunbo Afikuyomi, as well as some members of the Aderemi royal family. This visit was more in the form of a reunion and an opportunity to relive old memories, as the trio of Prince Aderemi, Senator Afikuyomi and myself had worked assiduously and tirelessly in England in various ways and forms during the NADECO days, with several other NADECO strongmen like late Papa Anthony Enahoro, Prof Wole Soyinka, General Akinrinade, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, Chief Odigie Oyegun, Rev. Peter Obadan, Prof Bolaji Akinyemi, Dr Kayode Fayemi, Dr Wale Oshun and their ilk, in the fight for the actualisation of democratic freedom and ideals in Nigeria. We spent more than a couple of hours tapping into his cerebral brain and drinking from his fountain of wisdom and knowledge, whilst enjoying his wisecracks. Trust me, you can never get tired of chatting with this General of Generals.

General Akinrinade earned my utmost respect during the NADECO days when some of us took to the forests to escape from the maximum military rulers of the time and we served our exile years together. His commitment to the reinstatement and enthronement of Democracy was total. He risked everything including his safety and personal comfort and that of his family. In those ugly years, he and Senator Bola Ahmed Tinubu committed stupendous resources to the battle for the soul of Nigeria and the General lost his prime possessions in the course of the struggle. He has remained steadfast ever since and he is currently championing the cause of Yoruba unification and continues to be a most vociferous voice for the advancement of his people. Today, I remember the endless meetings at his famous apartment at The Quadrangle near Edgware Road and it was in that spirit we drove with my colleagues to Yakoyo to pay homage to this proud son of Africa and to pick his ideas on the on-going developments in the Yoruba polity especially.

The General did not disappoint. He was his usual ebullient self. He looked as fresh and calm as a cucumber. Although just only recently arrived at home from farming that afternoon because we had called at short notice to alert him that we were on our way, his skin appeared flawless and he was as usual mentally alert. It is a measure of the simplicity and humility of this great man that he was willing to receive us in his home despite the short notice that we had given him and his pre-occupation with the work he was doing on the farm.

Once we settled in with him, he took us on a tour de force of the Nigerian trajectory from the past to the present. He was perfectly in sync with us despite our wide age differences. I met a man at peace with himself and his God.

That journey ignited something in me. It was a spark that catapulted me back to my roots. If I refer to Yakoyo today as a township, it is as a result of the wonderful contributions of its most celebrated son, Alani Akinrinade. Alani, with due respects, is every parent’s dream. He has given a lot back to his community as evidenced by the fact that the roads of this provincial small town are well tarred and maintained in contrast with some of its neighbours.

Entering General Akinrinade’s private abode is something else from the moment you enter through his gates as your senses are titillated to expect the experience of a lifetime. The driveway into Alani’s paradise instantly reveals a great mind at work. The trees are well manicured and the flowers and plants properly maintained. As if to demonstrate the splendour of the place a proud peacock struts its stuff beside the dazzling blue swimming pool.

The General’s home is not your simple country home though. He and his brothers have a massive farm homestead which boasts of a major poultry farm and a gari factory that is almost second to none in quality. From the gari factory, the brothers maintain a steady and significant source of income through exportation to Europe, the United States and indeed Asia.

Truth is, the serenity and tranquillity of the place got me very jealous. The rustic setting of the surroundings was surreal for someone who has lived in Lagos and other cities of the world. Approaching the homely plantation I had seen the good fold of Yakoyo going about their daily business in a simple but clearly contented and peaceful manner. The hustle and bustle of a city was totally lacking and you could palpably sense the kinship, friendliness and support structure engendered by the communal spirit in which the people live.

I realised that Lagos in particular has kidnapped most of us and kept us in a gilded cage. We live in expensive ghettos and think we are enjoying. Believe me, real enjoyment belongs elsewhere in rural areas like Yakoyo.

From its name, Yakoyo (pronounced ‘ya ko yo”) means, “visit us and eat to your heart’s content”. You can imagine the confidence that gave birth to the generosity of the populace of the town  which is clearly inherent in the name given to the town. Farming must have been a major preoccupation of the people. They must have imbibed the adage “bi ebi ba ti kuro ninu ise, ise buse” (once food is available, poverty is reduced). That was what came to our minds as we walked into the welcoming arms of our great mentor. Despite our protestations that we were coming from a family gathering where we had been adequately nourished with food and drinks our genial host would hear nothing of it.  We were therefore dutifully plied with champagne of various hues, red wine and soft drinks by loyal staff who demonstrated their adoration and respect for their boss in the way in which they efficiently dealt with our requests, such that we did not want our stay to end.  

We spent good time learning from this amazing teacher about the military, politics, social interaction and business. I was most touched when the kind General bemoaned the plight of university lecturers and the hard times upon which they had fallen. He noted that in the late 70’s and until the early 90’s, he hosted lots of University lecturers and had cause to showcase their diverse talents to visiting dignitaries and businessmen.  At that time the lecturers were smart, confident and content because they were reasonably well paid and could afford the good things of life like decent homes, nice serviceable cars and above all proper education for their children. Now the reverse is the case as most university lecturers live a pitiale existence and have lost confidence in themselves.

When our short but highly informative lecture session was over, we were simply not ready to leave our host and his delightful home, but nightfall was beckoning. We had a long-winding road, at various stages of construction and re-construction, to traverse all the way to Lagos. We left with good memories of a Paradise lost and wished we could set the hands of the clock backwards and relive our lives all over again. We drove out and joined the famous Ife-Ibadan dual carriage Expressway. It was anything but express or indeed dual carriage as we dodged not only potholes and near gullies but also oncoming vehicles that had to leave their own side of the road because what we were experiencing on our side of the road was child’s play compared to seeming road failure on the other side. Still we didn’t mind the inconvenience. Something must take you back home and indeed something took us back to that cradle of civilisation. In the fullness of time, you will appreciate what we all collectively vowed to do henceforth.

Oh, how can we ever forget the trip to Osogbo on Tuesday night as we contemplated relaxing after a hard day of meetings and consultations. As we raced towards the Osun State capital, our tongues salivated to the prospect of Mama Ope’s food canteen where we were determined to deal ruthlessly with those stubborn goats and the orisirisi. We didn’t bother going to our hotel first to refresh. It was that serious. I had not been to that joint in years. Wow, the gbegiri was heavenly. I felt a taste totally different from the fake ones mostly served in our big cities. The palm-oil was refreshingly tasty. The ewedu was organic and straight from the farm. The amala was light and healthy. This is the life, I thought. I should have brought my son Eniafelamo along to do justice to these tasty dishes.

Now you can feel why I feel like the Odyssey band singing: Going Back to our Roots…

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Got this from a friend *no name attached* would love to share.

Dear All- Let's be real.
I wish to start by adding the benefit of my time as a student and then resident in the UK. Living in Abuja now. The first thing that I discovered about UK-born, white, English undergraduates was that all of them did holiday or weekend job to support themselves – including the children of millionaires amongst them. It is the norm over there – regardless of how wealthy their parents are. And I soon discovered that virtually all other foreign students did the same – except status – conscious Nigerians.

I also watched Richard Branson (owner of Virgin Airline) speaking on the Biography Channel. To my amazement, he said that his young children travel in the economy class – even when the parents (he and his wife) are in upper class. Richard Branson is a billionaire in Pound sterling. A quick survey would show you that only children from Nigeria fly business or upper class to commence their studies in the Uk. No other foreign students do this. There is no aircraft attached to the office of the Prime Minister in the UK. He travels on BA. And the same goes for the Royals. The Queen does not have an aircraft for her exclusive use.

Have you seen the car that Kate Middleton (the wife of Prince William) drives? VW Golf or something close to it. But there’s one core difference between them and us (generally speaking), they (even the billionaires among them) work for their money, most of us steal ours

If we want our children to bring about the desired change we have been praying for on behalf of our dear country, then please, please let’s begin now and teach them to work hard so they can stand alone and most importantly be contented and not having t “steal” which seems to be the norm these days.

We have Nigerian Children who have never worked for 5 minutes in their lives insisting on flying “only” first or business class- Allwell

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

ManCity 3:0 Chelsea

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This was shared by a friend.

Tot 2share.....Please beware of who you give lift on the road, a commuter assisted a uniformed police man while travelling; after a few poles the policeman got off the car and had secretly dropped two bullets on the floor of the car. The commuter out of divine intervention had a. Prompting to check where the policeman sat and noticed the bullets and threw them away. Shortly after a few poles he was stopped at a police checking point and properly cleared and thoroughly searched as if they knew he had something. They dismantled the seats while they communicated with someone on the phone. After several hours of thorough searching he noticed the guy he gave lift earlier had arrived at the same check point but refused to come close, and he was allowed to go. He noticed that they were startled like it's impossible. Please re broadcast this. Many innocent persons may have been killed or jailed as a result of this wicked plot of criminal minded and wicked hearted uniformed men.

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You girls really need to stop comparing your relationships, your boyfriend giving you 20k out of his 50k salary means more than your friend's boyfriend giving her 50k out of his 1million naira salary. Understand your boyfriends capacity and live with it.

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Fresh concerns over data security, implementation of Cyber-crime Act at NCS 2015 forum

By the time the 12th international conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Computer Society, NCS, was drawing to a close recently in Akure, Ondo state, participants at the forum were worried saying that unless issues around data privacy and security laws, implementation of cybercrime act, infrastructure, among others were resolved, Nigeria’s quest for digital economy may be derailed.

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EDO FAILED RELOCATION MOVE!‘It was pathetic seeing Boko Haram orphans crying, trying to evade security agents’

Sunday, August 9, 2015 was one of the worst days in the life of Pastor Solomon Folorunsho, the Coordinator of the International Christian Center for Missions, who took it upon himself to cater for over 1,000 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), who are victims of the Boko Haram insurgency, camped at Uhogua community in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. On that day, residents of the serene community woke up to find over 50 trucks of armed security men stationed in strategic areas of the IDPs camp.

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Our Cameroun horror, by Boko Haram returnees

On August 3, Cameroonian authorities began the repatriation of the over 12,000 Nigerian refugees, who fled to that country following continued assault by the Boko Haram insurgents. Some of the refugees stayed in that country for over four years as the insurgency attack continued unabated in their villages and communities back home in Nigeria. They were disorganized and detached from their homes and relations.

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Inside Abuja camps harbouring 21,000 Boko Haram IDPs

Every day, scores of Nigerians fleeing conflict in the North-East continue to arrive the Federal Capital Territory ( FCT). At the last count, the number of displaced persons in Abuja alone is over 21,000 people.

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AUDITOR-GENERAL’S REPORT: Is NDDC guilty as charged?

This is not the best of times for the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). These days, the commission is in the news for all the wrong reasons. From one naughty headline to sensational screamers, almost on daily basis, and the commission seems embattled. Unfortunately, or perhaps, fortunately, most of the stories have little or nothing to do with the present management. But that is not a beautiful excuse because governance, at whatever level, is an unfolding drama or what the policy makers call a continuum.

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Vigilante group foils suicide bombing in Borno

The Nigerian Army said yesterday that an attempt by a suicide bomber to attack Rumirgo Market in Askira Uba Local Government Area of Borno State was foiled by a vigilante group member.

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Borno deputy gov dies in Adamawa

Zannah was said to have died in his sleep, yesterday morning, at one of the lodges in Yola, Adamawa State capital.

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NOV. GUBER POLL: Kogi West PDP leaders endorse Gov. Wada

Leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) from Kogi West Senatorial District gathered in Lokoja, the state capital, on Thursday, to endorse the candidature of Governor Idris Wada ahead of the November 21 governorship election in the state.

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Eva Carneiro Missing At Chelsea Training

Eva Carneiro not seen at Chelsea training ground since Jose Mourinho criticism as Blues boss remains defiant

Despite the Chelsea manager suggesting she may eventually fully resume her role, it is thought unlikely she will do so, writes Jason Burt.

Continue @

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Manchester City v Chelsea
Kick-off Sunday 4pm (WAT) 10pm (Jakarta)

Venue Etihad Stadium

Last season Man City 1 Chelsea 1

Referee M Atkinson

Team News: Oscar is the only doubt for this match, having picked a knock in training. For City, Delph & Fernando are injured while Toure is a doubt.

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[Suarez, Ronaldo or Messi? Who should win the 2014/15 #UEFABestPlayer?

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The Nation Newspaper shared the following link:

Deputy Governor of Borno state, Zannah Mustapha is reportedly dead. Details later.

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Friday, August 14, 2015

@delemomodu. I project that the Kingmakers will ask ruling house three out of the four ruling houses to present their candidates, namely, Osinkola, Giesi and Lafogido.  The Ogboru ruling house which presented the last Ooni, Oba Okunade Sijuwade, will not now be asked to present a candidate.  This follows the precedent when Osinkola ruling house was not asked to present a candidate when Oba Adesoji Aderemi Atobatele I joined his ancestors, thus paving the way for Ooni Sijuwade to be crowned.

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@delemomodu. I led the family in a short prayer and it became obvious I’m inching closer to my calling as a Pastor as I prophesied at Pastor Tunde Bakare’s 60th birthday celebration.

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@delemomodu. The Vice President Professor Yemi Osinbajo personally attended and this added some colour to the event. It was nice seeing Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo State, Major General Adeyinka Adebayo, Rear Admiral Akin Aduwo, Lt. General Alani Akinrinade, Prince Ayo Aderemi, Mrs Tola Oyediran and her sister, Dr Mrs Tokunbo Awolowo-Dosunmu (both represented the Awolowo family), Prince Adedamola Aderemi (who has spent ample time with the Sijuwades right from London to Lagos), Senator Bamigbetan, Senator Iyiola Omisore, Senator Babajide Omoworare, The Secretary to the State Government of Osun and so many others.

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@delemomodu. Memories of years gone by gushed back and took over my brains. So this is the end of another era, I asked rhetorically. I couldn’t imagine I will never visit Kabiyesi, The Ooni, in that massive sprawling palace again. Nothing destroys than death. The finality of it is most cruelly annoying. We then drove to a few places for some quick meetings.

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@DeleMomodu. As we entered the palace proper, we experienced a certain eerie feeling. It was apparent something had gone desperately wrong. The place had lost its original allure and glamour. I thought we had mistakenly entered Fagunwa’s phantasmagorical forests. We continued towards the inner gates leading to The Ooni’s residences. We saw freshly-cut trees on the ground meant to block any intruder and nosey-parker. The place was virtually empty.

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@DeleMomodu. I think one of the guys recognised the occupants of the Ovation-branded car and shouted “it is Ovation, Dele Momodu is a son of Ife, he is our own and free to drive anywhere!” I felt humbled and we gave them something for their efforts.

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@DeleMomodu. It is impossible for a living human being to be buried with a king at this time and age and I can say authoritatively that the law abiding Ife Chiefs will never commit such carnivorous murder.

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@DeleMomodu. GOOD BYE, OUR DEAR KABIYESI, Articles


Fellow Nigerians, let me confess that my trip to the ancient city of Ife last Thursday was a most harrowing experience. As a matter of fact, the drive itself was very smooth devoid of the usual hurly-burly on that notorious Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. We set forth on our journey around noon not knowing what to expect along the way. Road travel in Nigeria has defied common logic. You require methods to the malfeasance and madness of our dare-devil drivers. We drove all the way to Ibadan without any major drama of bottlenecks and we thanked God for journey mercies.

The second leg of our journey was from Ibadan to Ile-Ife. We tried to navigate our way from the ubiquitous gridlock around Iwo Road and meandered our way through the backstreet towards the Ibadan Airport to link up the Ife Road without much ado. The trouble came where we least expected. As we approached the Asejire Dam which used to be one of my favourite sights as a kid, we suddenly noticed a logjam ahead. Many passengers had abandoned their vehicles to assemble on the Asejire Bridge like locusts. We were momentarily alarmed wondering what had gone wrong on this usually peaceful stretch.

Alas, a vehicle which I suspected to be a public transport had sped and obviously somersaulted into the rocky river. We saw a deluge of Federal Road Safety Corps operatives struggling hard with what looked like a rescue mission as well as trying to clear the crowd of onlookers for easy passage of travellers like us. I actually seemed to appreciate their passionate dedication to the work of saving lives. Anyway, we prayed for survivors to emerge from that cataclysmic dive and continued on our voyage.

We arrived Ile-Ife with some anxiety because we didn’t know what to expect. Rumour had developed wings like bushfire in harmattan about a certain palace errand of The Ooni of Ife who must mandatorily accompany him on his journey to the great beyond by being buried alive with the King. Many of my Ghanaian friends had called to ask me about this odoriferous news about the disappearance of The Ooni’s Abobaku.

All efforts to explain the falsity of those claims were rebuffed by doubting Thomases. I was forced to tweet and explain that only two kings reigned in the last 85 years in Ile-Ife namely, Oba Adesoji Tadeniawo Aderemi and Oba Okunade Adele Sijuwade Olubuse II. I knew when Oba Aderemi passed on and there was no one buried with him. It is impossible for a living human being to be buried with a king at this time and age and I can say authoritatively that the law abiding Ife Chiefs will never commit such carnivorous murder.

We drove through the famous Lagere Road and headed towards the Ife Palace and met a desolate town in the mourning process of their powerful king. It was almost surreal. We eventually got to the palace gate where we encountered several barricades and some youths who claimed they were Oro cultists. They lurched forward menacingly as if to pounce on us. Then we heard some shrieking chants. We stopped and our security escorts tried to bring the riotous situation under control. I think one of the guys recognised the occupants of the Ovation-branded car and shouted “it is Ovation, Dele Momodu is a son of Ife, he is our own and free to drive anywhere!” I felt humbled and we gave them something for their efforts.

We had been misinformed by someone that the Crown Prince Adetokunbo Sijuwade and the wives of the departed monarch were still ensconced somewhere in the palace of Oduduwa, the progenitor of the Yoruba race. The boys directed us on how to enter the palace. 

The gates were firmly locked but the second one swung open as our convoy approached snakelike. As we entered the palace proper, we experienced a certain eerie feeling. It was apparent something had gone desperately wrong. The place had lost its original allure and glamour. I thought we had mistakenly entered Fagunwa’s phantasmagorical forests. We continued towards the inner gates leading to The Ooni’s residences. We saw freshly-cut trees on the ground meant to block any intruder and nosey-parker. The place was virtually empty.

I wondered why we were allowed to drive inside the palace when there was no soul except a few Chiefs straddled in one corner performing their mandatory rites or whatever it was. I felt the urge to get out of that extra-terrestrial space as fast as possible. After all the hullabaloo of Abobaku, what if some human heads were needed? Could it possibly mean a few of us could be kidnapped or just vamoose into rarefied air without a trace in this vast world? I marvelled at the audacity that ever propelled us in that direction in the first instance but I felt assured because I was in the company of Princes and Princesses, including Prince Adedamola Aderemi, and Oro never affects them.. I was nevertheless a bit apprehensive but still excited about the potentially dangerous adventure.

We eventually turned around and left the palace. Memories of years gone by gushed back and took over my brains. So this is the end of another era, I asked rhetorically. I couldn’t imagine I will never visit Kabiyesi, The Ooni, in that massive sprawling palace again. Nothing destroys than death. The finality of it is most cruelly annoying. We then drove to a few places for some quick meetings.

Eventually, we went to visit Prince Adetokunbo Sijuwade in their private home.  The place was buzzling with activities in preparation for the interdenominational service that took place yesterday. We met two of the royal wives, Olori Ladun and Olori Odunayo. I saw many Sijuwade Princes and Princesses who had flown in to Nigeria from different parts of the universe. The new head of the family was completely knackered. The responsibilities on his shoulders are incredibly heavy.

While I was in the house with my friends, I got a call from the Governor of the State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola who had been duly informed by Senator Tokunbo Afikuyomi of my presence in our State. He was in his usual upbeat mood and he apologised that he won’t be able to host me as he had some prior engagements to deal with. I thanked him for the call and drove to the home of Olori Morisola Sijuwade, The Ooni’s most senior wife. She expressed delight at seeing us come around to honour her husband. We must have left Ife after 10pm and headed to Osogbo where we passed the night.

We checked into our hotel and agreed to meet at about 7am for breakfast. I managed to catch some sleep after working till 3am. By 6am, it was time to get ready. We gathered ourselves in about six cars and drove to Ife and arrived the venue in Enuwa, at about 10am. The Area Boys sprang on us and skilfully with two mobile phones from my friends while I managed to escape those rascals.

The Vice President Professor Yemi Osinbajo personally attended and this added some colour to the event. It was nice seeing Governor Olusegun Mimiko of Ondo State, Major General Adeyinka Adebayo, Rear Admiral Akin Aduwo, Lt. General Alani Akinrinade, Prince Ayo Aderemi, Mrs Tola Oyediran and her sister, Dr Mrs Tokunbo Awolowo-Dosunmu (both represented the Awolowo family), Prince Adedamola Aderemi (who has spent ample time with the Sijuwades right from London to Lagos), Senator Bamigbetan, Senator Iyiola Omisore, Senator Babajide Omoworare, The Secretary to the State Government of Osun and so many others.

After visiting a few places including the old Buka of the Obafemi Awolowo University where we dealt ruthlessly with some piping hot amala and goat meat, we went to spend some time again with Prince Adetokunbo and the Oloris. Thereafter, I led the family in a short prayer and it became obvious I’m inching closer to my calling as a Pastor as I prophesied at Pastor Tunde Bakare’s 60th birthday celebration.

What next, I asked as we drove out of the compound. The Ife kingmakers don’t usually waste time in selecting their new king. I expect them to name one of the contenders in the next few weeks. The process is not going to be simple as there seems to be a motley crowd this time around. Ile-Ife is blessed with many successful and accomplished Princes who may be qualified.

I project that the Kingmakers will ask ruling house three out of the four ruling houses to present their candidates, namely, Osinkola, Giesi and Lafogido.  The Ogboru ruling house which presented the last Ooni, Oba Okunade Sijuwade, will not now be asked to present a candidate.  This follows the precedent when Osinkola ruling house was not asked to present a candidate when Oba Adesoji Aderemi Atobatele I joined his ancestors, thus paving the way for Ooni Sijuwade to be crowned.

According to Ife custom and tradition there is no order of rotation in the presentation of candidates by the respective ruling houses.  From the twentieth century to date, the last five Ooni’s have come from three not four ruling Houses:

(a)   Olubuse I from Ogboru - 1894 to 1909
(b)   Adekola from Osinkola – 1910 to 1910
(c)    Ademiluyi Ajagun from Lafogido – 1910 – 1930
(d)   Aderemi Atobatele from Osinkola – 1930 – 1980
(e)   Sijuwade Olubuse II from Ogboru – 1980 to 2015.

Prior to these Obas above who reigned in the 20th century, Lafogiddo had produced 7 Oonis, Osinklola had produced 3, Giesi had produced 6 and Ogboru had produced 2.

Attempts may have been made in the past between 1957 and 1979 to establish an order of rotation but these failed to fly and rotation was jettisoned by the Kingmakers in the one and only exercise in 1980.
There are already indications that virtually all the eligible ruling houses will present their candidates after a rigorous screening exercise to determine eligibility by those houses.  Some of the criteria they will utilise are whether the candidate is truly a prince from that particular ruling house, including whether the claimed royalty was bestowed honorarily on the candidate’s ancestor or the aspirant is descended from a male lineage. Similarly, tradition forbids an Ooni to have a living father and, patent disability or deformity is also a ground for exclusion.

The mood in Ile-Ife seems to favour younger candidates since the last two Ooni’s ascended the throne at the ages of 40 and 50 respectively. I predict therefore that nobody above 60 will be considered suitable by the Kingmakers.  
There are no clear contenders coming out for different reasons.  Firstly, a few of them wished to pay deference to the memory of Oba Sijuwade and did not feel that it was decorous to press a claim until his funeral was concluded. Secondly, some are in public service and will not want to risk their jobs.

Tthirdly, the financial obligations are usually quite significant and this has been the practice since time immemorial or, at least, since the passing of Ooni Ojigidiri as Oba Adesoji Aderemi wrote in his letter of July 28 1930 to The Resident of Oyo Province when laying his claim to the throne and; Fourthly, No claimant can say that he was anointed or blessed by the previous Ooni as most of the present contenders were close to Ooni Sijuwade in one way or the other.

Once the ruling houses have concluded their screening they ask the princely gladiators whether they are able to agree amongst themselves so that the house can present one common candidate.  If there is no agreement then the ruling house is compelled to forward the names of all those interested in vying for the stool to the kingmakers.

In Ife, there are six primary kingmakers who must act in consultation with the other secondary kingmakers before an Ooni is elected.  There are 8 Iharefe Chiefs on the Right headed by Obalufe (or Orunto as he is otherwise known) and 8 Modewa chiefs on the Left headed by Lowa. The Iharefe are the civil chiefs including the war chief, whilst the Modewas are the Palace courtiers. Three of the Iharefes namely, Obalufe, Obalaye and Ejio, form one half of the primary kingmakers whilst the remaining three come from the Modewa side and are namely, Lowa, Jaran and Agoro.

Prior to the selection by the six primary kingmakers, the Araba of Ife is requested by them to consult Ifa and determine the candidates that are worthy for consideration for the Title. Once the Araba puts forward those worthy of consideration, the 6 primary kingmakers make their choice after consulting with their remaining colleagues.

Thereafter the chosen person’s name is sent to the Governor who must appoint that person as the Ooni.  It is noteworthy that the kingmakers in Ife present only one person to the Governor as their choice of Ooni and the Governor therefore has little choice but to honour the selection of the kingmakers.


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@DeleMomodu Good Bye Our Dear Kabiyesi.

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Why I’m spending so much on shooting videos – Solagbade Sola

One of Nigeria’s fast-rising gospel music sensations, Solagbade Sola Olaonipekun, has released two new videos: "Anu Oluwa", a track from her third album and "My year of Harvest", a track from her new album. This is coming shortly after the release of her fourth album. Both videos were released on August 1. By dropping both videos, the songstress intends to take Lagos State and its environs by storm while fulfilling God’s prophesy.

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Project Fame: Jennifer, Deborah, 3 others on probation

Ruby Awa-Agwu (Pearl’s twin sister), Oluchi Odii, and Nkechi Ilo were the three Wild Card finalists, having impressed a select panel of Judges after thorough scrutiny of the various entries. The evening kicked off with their individual performances. At the end of the day, Nkechi’s performance could not earn her a stay in the Academy, but Ruby and Oluchi wowed the judges that both were given a chance to compete with others in the Academy.

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NdaniTV ups the ante

Nigeria’s foremost online content production company, NdaniTV recently unveiled a new travel series, "The New Africa" bouquet made up of 5 contemporary African shows to up the ante. The well-attended event took place last Friday, at Four Points hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos.

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Zambian President, Osinbajo, laud Dangote on African expansion

Zambian President, Edgar Lungu has lauded the business ingenuity of the President of Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote saying his business expansion across Africa is worthy of emulation by African businessmen in the task of continental development.

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Nigeria Hires KPMG, PWC To Audit NIMASA, FIRS, Customs --

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Fashola Throws Bomb: “ ‘Pigs’ Want To Make Me Dirty” --

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Fashola Throws Bomb: “ ‘Pigs’ Want To Make Me Dirty” --

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The Rogues are out again! Adamawa Governor to spend N200m million on prayers @ogundamisi

“We have earmarked N200 million for prayers to seek for Allah’s intervention in tackling the Boko Haram menace and other insecurity challenges threatening the stability of the state,” Chief of Staff to Adamawa State Governor, Alhaji Abdurahman Jimeta

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tolulope Isaac

When we have forged senators running a
forged house with forged rules things fall
apart. Some of dem were smuggled in.
@RC1023FM #kubanji

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015


... Helicopter crashes into Lagos Lagoon‎

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has reported that an helicopter has crashed into the Lagoon at the Oworonshoki area of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria.

The helicopter was carrying crew from Akpo Niger Delta, some ‎ 200 kilometers from Phort-Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria‎.

There might have been 4 survivors; others dead.‎

‎Rescue agencies are on their way to the scene of the incident at 4pm, local time, August 12, 2015.


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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I miss those days when we went to school, lined up & the headmistress & teachers inspect our nails & uniform & then we match to our classrooms, you remember now??
• The days of NASCO biscuit, Okin biscuit, Trebor, iced colored water tied in nylon we called it "lolly"
• The days of Goody-Goody & "pako" Biscuit. Lol!!!
• The days of Ali & Simbi, Mr Salami & Mrs Salami, Agbo Lives in Calabar..., Edet is a Boy
• Chei, I remember those days when One Naira (N1.00) is a big money, when groundnut was 5kobo & Choco Milo sweet was 5kobo
• Days of messing game, Who Is In the Garden, Police and Thief
• The days of Mama & Papa play
• Days when we use to build houses wit sand, play Suwe game, Tinco-Tinco, change your style, Ten-Ten, skipping, stop! You remember now!
• Those days when we used to fly kite on streets, when boys used to use the paint-bucket cover as tire & their daddy's hanger as the steering
• Those days wen rubber band was stock exchange
• Days wen Votron, Jimbo, Power Rangers, Spider Man was our favourite cartoons
• The days of Limca soft drinks & Choco Milo advert on black & white TV & Sunday Rendevous by 1:30pm
• When we say 'leke-leke give me whitefinger'
• Those days wen Eleganza pen was the best
• The days when we used to drink water from the tap even suck out the water if its not running (coming) out
• The days when NTA will show rainbow color for 30 minutes, the nnational anthem before they resume program @ 4pm, Igba-oro play, Bata-wahala, Tunmise, Mister Deyinde, Fafunke, Fijabi, etc.
• The days when basket sandals, Simbi & Bata sandals were the best
• Days when we all sing sandalili sandalili songs, but is rough is standard leaving.
• Dstv has come. No more old fun.
I'm really proud to have experienced all this. If you are not smiling it means you were not born in my generation. Which means you are the INDOMIE generation!!!
Abeg share make others laugh....

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Married Female Inspector Demoted to Corporal For Having sex On Duty

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'I never gave them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it's hell.'- Harry S. Truman 1884-1972 (33rd US President).

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Buhari Must Go!
"Buhari Must Go"
A friend sent this n got me scared for seconds
Buhari must go. Yes! He must go. Who told the man self
that we are tired of darkness in our areas. Now the Area
boys could not operate at night any longer. They don't have
enough money to spare for their league of call girls any
more. Too bad. I say Buhari must go. Yes! That man must
go. Haba! Can't he see what great calamity he is causing to
our "illustrious" oil cabals. I just heard that Port Harcourt
and Warri Refineries have started working. That Kaduna will
soon join and more Refineries to be built. What will now
become of the very lucrative and more profitable importation
of fuel? He cannot try that to our cabals. That is too much.
Buhari has to go. We are cool with our image before the
comity of nations as a pariah state. A corrupt state. A state
where nothing works. A failed state. We are cool with that.
Why must he enforce discipline. We are cool with our act
and show of indiscipline. That is what makes us thick.
Buhari must surely go. The public servant and political
office holders are not finding things easy. The man is
redefining the years known lexicon that we are "proud" of.
"Stealing is not corruption". That is what they told us. So
goats are free to eat our yams. But now this President is "
confusing" us. How can you say stealing is now corruption.
And those "goats" can no longer eat our yams. Na wah o.
This President must go. He is causing so much anxiety
among our past looters, so sorry I mean "leaders looters".
Now our beautiful sister, that " fine" lady is sick now. Why
now. Food wey person don chop, you say make e come shit
am by force. Haba! How she no go sick. From the way it is
going now, hospital wards will be full of them. Yes!
President Muhammed Buhari must .....
Have a good day.

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I have been praying we get a leader brave enough to stop wastage of Public Funds on religious pilgrimage & Presidential @MBuhari JUST DID IT! #Change I feel. If you want to go to Mecca or Jerusalem do so from your private funds. Kayode @Ogundamisi

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Full time: Barcelona 4-4 Sevilla (extra-time follows)

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Buhari Sets To Prosecute Nigeria’s Treasury Looters, In Weeks --

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Lagos Denies Sponsoring Hajj Pilgrims --

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Power Firms Should Stop Fixed Charges, Senate Tells NERC --

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"Why I remained Calm While Orubebe Misbehaved" — Ex-INEC Chairman, Jega --

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Female Bomber Hits Packed Market, 50 Killed In Borno --

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CBN Orders Banks To Refund Withdrawal Charges To Customers

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Buhari: Forget All You’ve Been Told; Nigeria Is Not A Rich Country

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SuperCup - Goal Alert: Barcelona 4-3* Sevilla.

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Police: Arrested Child Thief In Ogun Is A Fake Nurse (Photo).

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Nigeria is not a rich country -- President Buhari
Pres. Buhari has said that Nigeria is erroneously being regarded as a rich country, stating that indices and parameters of evaluating a rich country such as economic advancement, improved social services were lacking.

He however enjoined the Nigerian elites to be prepared to make sacrifice to rescue the country.

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Congo’s Sassou Nguesso sacks ministers for opposing third-term bid

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Messi Donates To Charity
The charity organisation announced on their Twitter feed that Messi had given 4,500,000 Argentine pesos (£315,000) through the Lionel Messi Foundation, which was presented to them by Argentine actor Nico Vazquez. Kudos to Messi!

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No FG delegation to 2015 hajj – Buhari

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Friday, August 7, 2015

As The Ooni Retires To The Penthouse (Part 2)

#Pendulum By @DeleMomodu, Email:

Fellow Nigerians, I’m sorry to say that you already missed a lot of hot gist about The Ooni of Ife Oba Okunade Sijuwade Olubuse II, if you did not read my column last week. That is the absolute truth. You may have to search for it in order to fully understand and appreciate my drift this week. The saga you are about to read is such an amazing story and a stuff of thrillers.

My relationship with His Imperial Majesty The Ooni transcended what the ordinary mind could decipher. We did not meet often but anytime, or wherever, we did, the mutual affection was always palpable. And this special bond extended to the Palace Chiefs who had come to accept me as an Ife son and welcomed me with open arms like a true offspring of the soil from the source. One of my best friends among the palace operatives is a gentleman called Chief Funlola Olorunnisola, the Press Secretary to the Palace of Adimula Oduduwa, whose son Sunmilola currently works as a top photographer with Ovation International magazine. The relationship between Chief Olorunnisola and I was nearly strained over the blistering articles I wrote about The Ooni during the June 12 fiasco. Those who sought to respond stridently against my principled position failed to visualise the magnitude of The Ooni’s tolerance level as well as the endless love he had for me.

The raging inferno was however quenched particularly by a father-figure, Chief Oyekunle Aremu Alex-Duduyemi, who, incidentally, celebrates his 80th birthday in Lagos tomorrow. I was invited by this business icon who instructed me to calm down and cease fire. I obeyed. There were other interventions from well-meaning Nigerians like Chief Orayemi Orafidiya, a mentor of many years, and King Sunny Ade, who met me and sued for peace. I’m eternally grateful to all for the positive roles they played, especially for understanding the role of journalists in nation-building.

I will always treasure the magnanimity displayed by The Ooni himself who publicly reunited with me as his son at a function in Lagos. It happened on the day Chief Akanni Aluko launched his newspaper, The Third Eye, at The Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, in Victoria Island. Unknown to me, two of Yoruba’s most influential monarchs were present. It was one of those rare moments when they both sat close to each other. The next time it would happen was over five years later at my 40th birthday in the year 2000. I will return to that later. As I made my way to the launch of The Third Eye newspaper, I ran into the convoy of Iku Baba Yeye, The Alaafin of Oyo Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III and he stopped to have a quick word with me. It was from him I knew The Ooni was at the arena.

I walked in briskly and found a seat next to Prince Bayo Adeyemo, the affable son of the then Olubadan of Ibadan. He was apparently happy to see me and he quickly headed to the high table where The Ooni and other dignitaries sat and informed The Ooni of my presence. My articles had generated so much furore and many people were anxious to rescue the situation. I was stunned when The Ooni instantly beckoned to me and I went up to pay homage to him. As soon as I got close to him, I wasted no time in prostrating lizard-like and apologised for writing such a volatile article. “I’m sorry, Kabiyesi…” I said repeatedly and I could see the final sign of relief on everyone’s face. I knew I had succeeded in making my point and there was no reason to prolong the drama and trauma. The Ooni responded with his famed graciousness by telling me to rise as all was forgotten. “After all a Father cannot quarrel with his son” he quipped. My love for The Ooni quadrupled that day and our relationship blossomed thereafter and never withered again.

As fate would subsequently have it, I was forced into exile by the Abacha military junta, on suspicion of being one of the people operating the pirate station called Radio Freedom, which later changed to Radio Kudirat. I managed to sneak out of Nigeria through Seme border into Cotonou, in Benin Republic, from where I fled further to Togo and Ghana and eventually to London. What I thought was going to be a brief sojourn soon became an Israelite journey that turned into several years. It was while in London that Ovation International was born. The magazine soon became the publication of choice for the rich and famous.

One of our hottest stories in the early days was about the homes of wealthy Nigerians in London and it included the choicest properties owned  by Chief Moshood Abiola and The Ooni in Chester Terrace, Dr Mike Adenuga Jnr in East York Terrace, Chief Wahab Iyanda Folawiyo in Hannover Terrace, Dr Bode Olajumoke in Surrey, Mr Jimi Adebisi Lawal in Croydon, Chief Alex Duduyemi with an office in Knightsbridge and home in Templewood, Hampstead, Chief Gabriel Osawaru Igbinedion (again) and Prince Samuel Adedoyin on Winnington Avenue, Chief Sonny Odogwu and Chief Amzat Beyioku Adebowale on the gated Compton Avenue, Chief RasaK Okoya on Bishop’s Avenue, The Okotie-Ebohs on The Bishop’s Avenue, Chief Bayo Kuku and Chief Mike Ajeigbo off The Bishop’s Avenue, Dr Deji Adeleke and Alhaji Arisekola-Alao in Brondesbury Park and so on. The Ooni was very impressed with our innovation and our modest contribution to the growth of African journalism and always glowingly spoke about the magazine.

Despite my interactions with members of the privilegentsia, my passion for fighting for the enthronement of democracy and good governance never diminished. I took a kamikaze dive into the pro-democracy activities of the day and actually joined the rebels who ran Radio Kudirat as Yoruba presenter using the pseudonym of Saliu Elenuugboro Eni Olorun o pa.

What surprised The Ooni the most was the role I played alongside Prince Adedamola Aderemi and Senator Tokunbo Afikuyomi in the drug case saga that was ostensibly orchestrated to smear The Alaafin of Oyo. Our troika ensured that the Alaafin left the United Kingdom with his head held up high, with the strong support of Prof Wole Soyinka, the Nobel Laureate, who demonstrated once more his patriotic fervour and the desire to foster and protect our culture and tradition.  The Alaafin would eventually be vindicated by the British Police. 

Rather than gloat over the predicament of his arch-rival, The Ooni would later invite some prominent kings, including the then Ataoja of Osogbo, The Timi of Ede, The Orangun of Ila-Orangun and others to thank us for not allowing such a monumental disgrace on Yoruba traditional institution by political sorcerers.

Every time Prince Adedamola Aderemi and I visited The Ooni at Chester Terrace, he was fond of regaling us with numerous tales. He was a most quintessential and fascinating story-teller. The Ooni was a true and total Nigerian. He knew practically who-is-who in different parts of Nigeria and titillated us with his recollections of both the distant and contemporary times.

Despite his supposed differences with Chief Moshood Abiola, he never stopped admiring the man who gave his life and that of others for the sake of our collective future. And when Chief Abiola died in detention on July 7, 1998, one of the earliest sympathisers I met in Chief Abiola’s London home was Prince Adetokunbo Sijuwade, The Ooni’s son.  His presence provided some needed succour for the Abiolas (Deji, Agboola, Bolaji and Wuraola) whose father had spent four excruciating years in solitary confinement. Kola Abiola was the only one in Nigeria at that sad moment.

I soon returned home after spending many years in exile. The year 2000 would remain unforgettable for me as I turned 40 and I made elaborate plans to celebrate a life full of ups and downs. Naturally, I reached out to the high and mighty in society. I was ready to use the occasion to do what Nelson Mandela had done by deciding to forgive those who had wronged me by locking me up in detention or sending me into forced exile. The first leg of my 40th birthday started in Abuja where the former President, General Ibrahim Babangida, was represented by his daughter, Aisha, and the then Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar was represented by the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Chief Solomon Ewuga. I was honoured to have the then Minister of Culture and Tourism, Alabo Graham-Douglas, Mrs Daisy Danjuma, Prince Jide Adeniyi and others as guests.

If I thought Abuja was a success, Lagos turned out to be the icing on the cake. This was made possible by the extra-ordinary presence of The Ooni and The Alaafin. Before the commencement of the ceremonies at Sheraton Hotel Lagos, I had invited both kings to the Towers for private entertainment and refreshment. I was initially agitated about how things were going to play out. The Chairman of the occasion, Chief Alex Duduyemi, was placed in a most precarious situation as a citizen of Ife who had to sit between the two royal Fathers. The then Governor Olusegun Osoba later joined us and his effervescent personality ignited a sense of camaraderie. Both Royal personages showed the wisdom of Solomon by embracing peace and even took photographs together.  It was a coup of sorts for me!

Subsequently, I met The Ooni several more times, either by design or mere coincidence. We met at home and abroad and he always showered me with love and affection. He even went the extra mile to introduce me to very important personalities wherever we met. The last time I visited him was at the instance of my third son Eniafelamo who was a schoolmate and friend of Prince Adetokunbo’s daughter, Adedunni Sijuwade at Grange School in Lagos. We had travelled to Ile-Ife and The Ooni was very happy to welcome us. He told my young son: “Please, feel free to go anywhere in this palace because this is the place your father was born.” I was deeply touched.

The Ooni was an energetic man who travelled great distances to rejoice or sympathise with friends. He was never tired of flying or driving and his recollections and reflections for me served as a reminder that we must remember our heroes even though they may be long forgotten by a thankless nation.

It may be difficult to find kings like Sir Adesoji Aderemi and Oba Okunade Sijuwade, now or in the future. Those kings raised the bar that may be tough to match. Ile-Ife can never afford to put just anyone in power whenever their king finally joins his ancestors. As it is done in serious monarchies, a search for a credible successor usually starts before the king departs.

At 85, such a search must begin for a veritable successor for a king of that age. The future Ooni would do well to have an impeccable pedigree. Being a son or grandson of a former king should help because he would have had a foretaste of the esoteric tradition of his people. He would have to be young enough, preferably under 60, since the last two kings were crowned at 40 and 50 respectively. He must be well educated at home and abroad like the present Emir of Kano whose appearance on international media platforms makes one proud. He must have a profession or career like the current Emir of Kano and even the Sultan of Sokoto who was in the military.

He must have a personal fortune or the capacity to mobilise funds because the palace of Oduduwa requires some major funding to maintain. He must be a cool and calm personality and humble enough to be able to carry the people of Ife and indeed all Yoruba along. He must be a global citizen and not a local champion at this time and age. A warm relationship with most Yoruba kings should be a beautiful bonus and must be encouraged.  He must also be an intelligent and wise man who’s able to solve complex problems.  Above all he must be kind hearted, good natured and selfless.

Ile-Ife needs a powerful monarch that will be well respected at home and abroad. A man who is already respected by his peers and elders will certainly serve the Yoruba and also Nigeria well. Men with the virtues I have enumerated are uncommon because leadership qualities like these are rare, but thankfully they exist and must be found and nurtured.

When the time ultimately comes, I am sure the sagacious Kingmakers would give great consideration to the merits I have detailed above and choose a worthy heir to these outstanding Monarchs.

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As The Ooni Retires To The Penthouse (Part 2)
@DeleMomodu #Pendulum

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

@olajuwonsemiu. Siasia’s men triumph, Falcons crash out of Olympics
The dream of the Super Falcons to play at the summer Games have been punctured by Equatorial Guinea, who Sunday defeated the Nigerians 2-1 in the return leg match in Bata. They progressed 3-2 on aggregate

But the heroes of the weekend were the male team, who leading 2-1 from the first leg in Port Harcourt a fortnight ago, earned a barren draw in Point Noire to qualify 2-1 on aggregate score.

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Windows 10 Is Spying on Almost Everything You Do: Here Is How to Opt Out

Windows 10 is amazing. Windows 10 is fantastic. Windows 10 is glorious. Windows 10 is faster, smoother and more user-friendly than any Windows operating system that has come before it. Windows 10 is everything Windows 8 should have been, addressing nearly all of the major problems users had with Microsoft’s previous-generation platform in one fell swoop.

But there’s something you should know: As you read this article from your newly upgraded PC, Windows 10 is also spying on nearly everything you do.

DON’T MISS: Windows 10: The first 5 things you need to do immediately after you install it

It’s your own fault if you don’t know that Windows 10 is spying on you. That’s what people always say when users fail to read through a company’s terms of service document, right?

Well, here is Microsoft’s 12,000-word service agreement. Some of it is probably in English. We’re pretty sure it says you can’t steal Windows or use Windows to send spam, and also that Microsoft retains the right to take possession of your first-born child if it so chooses. And that’s only one of several documents you’ll have to read through.

Actually, here’s one excerpt from Microsoft’s privacy statement that everyone can understand:

Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: 1.comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; 2.protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of the services, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone; 3.operate and maintain the security of our services, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or 4.protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services – however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.

If that sentence sent shivers down your spine, don’t worry. As invasive as it is, Microsoft does allow Windows 10 users to opt out of all of the features that might be considered invasions of privacy. Of course, users are opted in by default, which is more than a little disconcerting, but let’s focus on the solution.

Rock Paper Shotgun has broken things down into four main bullet points that will guide you through regaining control of your personal data.

READ MORE: 5 common problems people are having with Windows 10 – and how to fix them

First, you’ll want to open Settings and click on Privacy. There, you’ll find 13 different screens — yes, 13 — to go through, and you’ll want to disable anything that seems worrying. The blog notes that most of the important settings can be found on the General tab, though other tabs are important as well. For example, you’ll definitely want to adjust what types of data each app on your system can access.

Next, users should consider dumping Cortana. Yes, the voice-driven assistant is easily one of the best new features in Windows 10, but it also plays fast and loose with your data. As a result, many users will find that the benefits do not outweigh the risks.

For the third task, you’ll have to venture outside the confines of your PC and hit the web. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to check out Microsoft’s nifty new Edge browser. In it, click on this link and set both “Personalised ads in this browser” and “Personalised ads wherever I use my Microsoft account” to off. This will disable Microsoft’s Google-style ad tracking features.

The last tip is one that most users will likely forgo, as it is a bit excessive. Rock Paper Shotgun recommends removing your Microsoft account from Windows 10 completely and using a newly made local account instead. This way, Microsoft doesn’t grab hold of all your data to sync it across machines. To us that’s a great and useful feature, but if you want to kill it just follow the link below in our source section for complete instructions and plenty more details.

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