Thursday, January 19, 2017

Unsuccessful attempts by the 15-nation Economic Community Of West African States (Ecowas) led Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to fly into Banjul at the 11th hour for a final round of talks.
Following the discussions he was hopeful of reaching a peaceful solution, he was quoted as saying by Gambian state broadcaster GRTS. Mauritania is not part of Ecowas and diplomats have previously reached out to the conservative desert nation in hopes of brokering an asylum deal with Jammeh.
Shortly before midnight Aziz's plane landed in Dakar, where he was met by Barrow - who is currently sheltering there - and Senegal's President Macky Sall, the private Senegalese radio station RFM reported. - AFP
Senegal has also requested UN backing for regional action against the long-time president. However, a vote on the draft resolution has yet to be scheduled, according to diplomats.

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