Thursday, May 29, 2014

Fellow Nigerians,

1. I greet and felicitate with you all, today, as we mark 15 years of uninterrupted democratic governance in our beloved country.

2. Our dear nation, Nigeria, has certainly come a long way and made notable progress since our first Democracy Day on May 29, 1999 when the military finally relinquished power and handed over to a democratically-elected government, marking the true beginning of a government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

3. Although I have ordered a low-key commemoration of this year’s Democracy Day in deference to the current mood of the nation, there can be no doubt that the past 15 years, the longest period of sustained democratic governance in our country, have been a blessing to us, as a people.

4. As we commemorate 15 years of our Fourth Republic today therefore, I believe that it is fitting that we pay tribute once again to all those who played a part in restoring our nation to the true path of democratic governance, built on the foundations of rule of law and freedom of expression.

5. As a result of our collective efforts since 1999, democratic governance is now entrenched in our nation and institutions. I wholeheartedly believe that our people are the better for it. The scope of fundamental rights and liberties enjoyed by our people over the past 15 years has been expanded beyond measure.

6. On my watch, we have witnessed high national economic growth rates, steady improvements and expansion of national infrastructure including airports and roads, the restoration of rail transportation, the efficient implementation of a roadmap for improved power supply, a revolutionary approach to agricultural production, as well as advances in education, sports, youth development, healthcare delivery, housing, water supply and other social services.

7. In the oil and gas sector, our promotion of a sustainable local content policy, continues to guarantee equity and better opportunities for Nigerian entrepreneurs and skilled personnel.

8. Significant increase in mobile telephone and national broadband penetration, making Information and Communications Technology (ICT) one of the fastest growing sectors of the Nigerian economy. We have also developed strong financial markets and regulatory institutions. Our banks now have regional and global footprints.

9. Nigeria has also gained recognition as the largest economy in Africa, the most preferred investment destination in the continent and in terms of returns on investment, the fourth in the world. We are pleased that the world has noticed, as global leaders converged in Abuja early this month for the World Economic Forum in Africa.

10. The event not only witnessed a record attendance, it brought the prospect of an additional flow of investment into the Nigerian economy estimated at over $68 billion over the next few years.

11. In foreign relations, our country has equally done well within this period, by establishing and strengthening strong partnerships with all ECOWAS countries and the rest of the world. This has helped to deepen Nigeria’s leadership role in multilateral institutions including the United Nations.

12. Furthermore, under this administration, we have made consistent progress in improving the standard of elections in our country to ensure that they are ever more credible and truly representative of the people’s free choice. The National Conference we initiated to deliberate and make recommendations on the best ways of resolving our current political and socio-economic challenges is on-going. It is our expectation that its outcomes will help to further consolidate the gains we have made from democracy in the past 15 years, and place our dear nation even more firmly on the path to greatness.

Dear Compatriots,
13. It is a sad fact that as I address you today, all the gains of the past 15 years of democratic governance in our country are threatened by the presence of international terrorism on our shores. Our dear country, Nigeria is facing a new challenge. A war has been unleashed on us. Extremist foreign elements, collaborating with some of our misguided citizens, are focused on an attempt to bring down our country and the democracy and freedom we cherish and celebrate today.

14. The despicable abduction of school girls from Chibok in Borno State has brought to the awareness of the entire world, the heartless brutality of these terrorists who want to instigate a descent into anarchy and balkanize our nation.

15. In recent years, terrorist attacks have claimed the lives of several of our compatriots, many have been injured or maimed, whole villages and communities have been destroyed and the economy of some of our states is in jeopardy.

16. There can be no doubt that what we are witnessing in Nigeria today is a manifestation of the same warped and ferocious world view that brought down the Twin Towers in New York, killed innocent persons in Boston and led to the murder of defenceless people in the Southern Russian city of Volgograd. Terrorist activities have brought war and pains to Mali, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These agents of evil continue to brainwash and incite ignorant young men and women to attack the innocent. We cannot allow this to continue.

17. I welcome the statements of solidarity from patriotic citizens and the global community in support of our efforts to stamp out terrorism. I applaud the understanding that in a democracy, such as we are building, people can have differences while sharing worthy values and standing together in opposition to the scourge of terrorism. Nigeria is the only country we have and we must all work to preserve it for present and future generations.

18. Despite the challenges we face, we must commend our security forces. We must not forget their gallantry and successes in liberating nations and in peacekeeping, from Liberia to Sierra Leone, Congo, Sudan, Mali, Guinea-Bissau and many places in Africa and beyond. Our forces have paid the supreme price in several places at several times.

19. Today, they face a different challenge, an unconventional war by terrorists. They are adjusting and are being equipped to tackle the new menace of terrorism. We must show confidence in their ability. I have no doubt that, with the support of Nigerians, our neighbours and the international community, we will reinforce our defence, free our girls and rid Nigeria of terrorists.

20. It is now 45 days since the horrifying abduction of the college girls of Chibok. I share the deep pain and anxiety of their parents and guardians and I assure them once again that government will continue to do everything possible to bring our daughters home.

21. I am determined to protect our democracy, our national unity and our political stability, by waging a total war against terrorism. The unity and stability of our country, and the protection of lives and property are non-negotiable. I have instructed our security forces to launch a full-scale operation to put an end to the impunity of terrorists on our soil.

22. I have also authorized the security forces to use any means necessary under the law to ensure that this is done. I assure you that Nigeria will be safe again, and that these thugs will be driven away – it will not happen overnight, but we will spare no effort to achieve this goal.

23. For our citizens who have joined hands with Al Qaeda and international terrorists in the misguided belief that violence can possibly solve their problems, our doors remain open to them for dialogue and reconciliation, if they renounce terrorism and embrace peace.

24. My government, while pursuing security measures, will explore all options, including readiness to accept unconditional renunciation of violence by insurgents, and to ensure their de-radicalization, rehabilitation and re-integration into the broader society.

Dear Compatriots,
25. We must remain united to win the war against terrorism. Christians, Moslems, farmers, fishermen, herdsmen, teachers, lawyers, clergy or clerics, the rich, the poor and Nigerians from all sections of the country must work together with our security agencies and armed forces to overcome the terrorists who now threaten all that we hold dear.

26. The war against terror may be difficult, but the days of peace will come again. Terror is evil; nowhere in history has evil endured forever. The menace of Boko Haram will surely come to an end. I believe that because of your prayers, your courage, hardwork, faith and sacrifice, we will ultimately prevail over the terrorists and all other evil forces.

27. We are a strong, resilient and courageous people. We will continue to partner with the civilized world, to confront international terrorism and every other challenge that comes our way with patriotic zeal and determination.

Fellow Nigerians,

28. Yes, we have challenges but we will surely overcome. Nigeria is our country. Nigeria is blessed. We will all collectively protect, defend and develop this country for ourselves, and our children.

29. Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

30. Thank you and God bless Nigeria.

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Good News: First ‘Made-In-Nigeria’ Nissan SUV Launched By President Jonathan (SNAPSHOT) May 29, 2014

In what is a plus for Nigerians, the economy, and, of course, President Jonathan’s administration, Nissan launched today, May 29, 2014 its first SUVs assembled in Nigeria.
The launch of the ‘Made-in-Nigeria’ SUVs was part of the Democracy Day celebrations held at the Presidential Villa in Aso Rock.

The global car manufacturer had in January, 2014 promised to deliver the first ‘Made-in-Nigeria’ SUV by April 2014. Chief Executive Officer of Nissan Motors, Carlos Ghosn, had made the promise at the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to President Jonathan. 

Photos of this historic occasion were published on Twitter by President Jonathan’s Senior Special Advisor in Media and Publicity, Reuben Abati.

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

By Saharareporters, New York

In a speech that is bound to catch his allies, foes and watchers of his administration by surprise, President Goodluck Jonathan today assured Nigerians that a different government and leadership would be installed in Nigeria in 2015.

Mr. Jonathan made the surprise statement at a “Democracy Day” church service held Sunday in Abuja.
Before the president’s speech, the head of the Nigeria Pilgrims Commission, Reverend John Kennedy Opara, had set the tone when he told the gathering that this year's Democracy Day would be the last to be celebrated by Mr. Jonathan.

When it was the
president’s turn to speak, he referred to Reverend Opara’s statement. He echoed the reverend’s statement, assuring Nigerians that the Democracy Day event was the last for his current administration.

A PDP official who was at the event told SaharaReporters that he was mystified by the statements. He said he had no advance notice about the president’s remarks, and so was in no position to interpret its political meaning.
It remains unclear if the two statements are indications that the Nigerian president had decided not to seek a second term in office in general elections scheduled for next year. Mr. Jonathan continues to face criticism both in Nigeria and abroad for his dismal performance since he assumed office more than five years ago.

Our source reported that the church service was not well attended. He stated, however, that some government officials, including Senate President David Mark, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Pius Anyim, and some military chiefs were present. The president’s wife, Patience Jonathan, as well as his mother were also in attendance.

In a minor misstep in protocol, Mr. Jonathan recognized his wife before he did Senator David Mark.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014



When emotion beclouds reason & logic fades to emotive outbursts I worry. When intellectuals lose the profundity of dispassionate analysis I worry more.

Yesterday's carnage & human Barbecues in Jos like the one in Kano three days ago & the many others before it tests our resolve as a people to defeat terror, & puts to trial the courage of Mr. President to helm in the Haramists & their Sponsors.

Compatriots I repudiate in the strongest of terms Femi Fani-Kayode's call for Oduduwa Republic as an option, in his words 'all I can say is give me Oduduwa or I die', so do I refuse Zik Zulu Okafor's support for secession as a possible alternative.

That a tiny band of insurgents & nihilists are after the soul of our nation does not substantiate debates about the North being anti Jonathan or anti Nigeria. The Vigilantes in Balge who attacked the Haramists last week, the Civilian JTF in Bornu & the Hunters combing the forests in search of the Chibok girls are Northerners whose vote is for a united Nigeria.

I'm concerned about the spate of ill will & bellicosity that rules up North but I'm more concerned about the body language & the conduct of Mr. President, he must rise to the challenge & stem this ogre.

The hallucinations about secession as possible leveler is false & unfounded because those who messed up this house called Nigeria will naturally mess up the 'new houses' that may sprout out of it.

We must not forget the caution of the late NSA Gen. Owoye Azazi ditto that "Boko Haram is the creation of the PDP zoning disputations", therefore the discerning must put the cross on politicians & their politricks & save Nigeria from disintegration.

I'm sure that Nigeria shall outlive this Shenanigans. Nigeria will survive this madness & Nigeria shall purge herself of these nitwits & their sponsors in & around the corridors of power.

God save Nigeria.

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

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Countrymen I have read with pain the religion flavoured debate that seeks to brand Boko Haram as an effort to Islamize Nigeria. I have also read with worry the tribe and region centred jingoists who insist that power must remain in the South else we go our separate ways. Alas these positions are more emotive and sentimental than logical.

I am certain that the drum-beat of terror and of disaffection that presently resonates is simply the handiwork of politricktians caught in two traps, the one are those who have lost out in the power demograph and the other those desperate to continue the Bazaar come 2015, either way we are the losers.

Tragically for as long as we refuse to look beyond the gamut of politics that they weave for that long 'we the people' will remain the losers. Travel through the Nigerian space and what you see everywhere is harrowing poverty, abysmal want that is indiscriminate of our Iboness, Yorubaness, Hausaness et al. Yes, a poverty that slaps at the face of everyone Christians, Muslims and traditional worshipers alike, with the exception of the thieving political elite who are in cahoots (muslims and christians) in stealing Nigeria dry.

Countrymen I refuse to be deceived by those calling for secession or the breakup of Nigeria because whatever space or 'new nation' God forbid that these men find themselves in, hmm as mean treasury looters they will deal unjustly with the 'new nation' like they dealt with Nigeria. Do not be taken by their sudden ethnocentric cum religious avowals because all that counts is their belly, their families and their lust.

We can overcome this banal politics when we realize that a common denominator holds Musa in Karu-Namuda and Eno in Eket together. That a common web ties Dumebi in Ibusa to Femi in Abeokuta. That a single cord unites Pere in Bayelsa with Ugochi in Abia. Yes, unemployment and hunger befalls all.

(To be Contd)

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Solidarity for Umaru Musa Yar'adua: 4 Years After

Dear Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, Its been 4years since you left us. When u were around we called you:The BAD one. The SLOW ONE. The SICKONE. Yes, u were sick, in fact, sick all through ur administration, but u were never as sick as this current President. We all cried for ur resignation at the height of ur sickness. Cursing u, ur first lady & ur supporters (The first set of Cabals). Asking u to die if u want to die & allow the man with all the Goodluck in this world to lead us. We forgot that even though u were sick, u were the first Governor to have ever declared his assets publicly and you remained the only President in the history of Nigeria to have ever declared his assets publicly. We conveniently forgot that even though u were gravely sick, u were the first president to ever reduced the price of petrol in Nigeria, (From N75 to N70 and later from N70 to N65) & the economy did not collapse like the present leaders are making us believe. We forgot that u didn't afflict urself with ur sickness & so could do very little about it. But we still insisted that u just have to go, so that Nigeria can finally have her chance with Goodluck. We forgot that even though u were terminally ill, u still succeeded in solving the Niger Delta crisis which u didn't cause, but u found a solution. u gave us rule of Law,Andy Uba lost in court & was removed as Anambra State's Governor. Oni lost in Ekiti & wasremoved, Agagu lost in Ondo & was removed, Osunbor lost in Edoand was removed even though theyare all members of ur party(PDP).Now we have seen what a healthy president has done with the country. His Excellency President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, may ur soul rest in perfect peace. We will forever remember u & ur leadership.

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Boko Haram demanded for a 2 days urgent
meeting with the President, his Vice and the 36 Governors in the country. it will start on sunday and end on monday. The meeting is to hold in their Camp.

President Goodluck Jonathan has announced that all d Governors should be present in the meeting as he wont be able to be there becos he has an urgent meeting in Scotland.

Governor Amaechi called Fashola today and told him dat he is travelling tomorrow & he wont be back until Tuesday, Fashola said he shuld call anoda person becos he himself is already on his way to England to see the Queen ask mc thuraya.

Oshiomole called Uduaghan to tell him dat he is traveling to Senegal and he will come back on Tuesday, Uduaghan said i was about calling you to tell you that am on my way to France to see a friend of mine.

Ajimobi was on his way to the Airport
when he saw Aregbesola booking for a ticket to move with the next flight.......when Ibikunle Amosun called Kayode Fayemi to tell him dat he wont be able to come to the meeting becos he wants to go to Portugal, Kayode Fayemi told him:

I am presently in India, infact Mimiko is also here wit me, we wont be back until tuesday.......

When Okorocha called the Vice president to ask how d meeting will be, Sambo said i am not feeling fine and i wont feel fine until tuesday evening........

Okorocha said ehyaa, i just want to tell you that I am in One Airport in Ghana, and the other 35 Governors are also here with us, we are on a queue to get a ticket for night flight.......we are all coming back on Tuesday evening.

ABEG WHO GO COME ATTEND THIS MEETING,THEIR IS GOD OOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo enjoy ur day frnds.

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Saturday, May 17, 2014

finally met Saturday at a regional summit hosted by French President Francois Hollande in Paris at the request of President Jonathan.

At the meeting,  Nigeria and its neighbours vowed to work together to combat Boko Haram.
President Jonathan and his counterparts – President Biya of Cameroon, President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger Republic, President Boni Yayi of Benin and President Idriss Deby of Chad also approved an action plan designed to counter the terrorist organization blamed for 2,000 deaths this year alone and which has caused global outrage with its abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls.

"This latest attack is a wake up call for all of us. A line has been drawn in the sand; a test is put to each one of us. Nigeria will rise up to this challenge and will prevail. I call upon each one of you to stand up and be counted with us in this fight," President Jonathan said, while also disclosing that the campaign of terror by the sect had claimed over twelve thousand lives.

"We have seen what this organisation is capable of," French President Francois Hollande said at the close of the summit. "They have threatened civilians, they have attacked schools and they have kidnapped citizens of many countries. France in particular has been a victim of it.
"When more than 200 young girls are being held in barbaric conditions with the prospect of being sold into slavery, there are no questions to be asked, only actions to be taken," Hollande added.

The action plan would involve coordination of surveillance efforts, the sharing of intelligence and joint efforts to secure the porous borders in the region against the deadly group that had forged links with terrorist groups all over Africa,  Hollande said.

"Religious intolerance has no place in Africa," said Benin President Boni Yayi, while his Cameroonian counterpart President Paul Biya said, "We are here to declare war on Boko Haram."

Chad's Idriss Deby warned: "Terrorists have already done enough damage. Letting them continue would run the risk of allowing the whole region to fall into chaos."

A statement issued by the office of the French President at the end of the meeting tagged 'Paris Summit for Security in Nigeria', said  the summit had "helped intensify regional and international mobilization to combat the terrorism of the Boko Haram group"

It noted that the summit came up with several decisions that would strengthen cooperation between regional states, both to enable the liberation of the abducted school girls and more generally to combat Boko Haram.

"The partners present (the European Union, France, the United States and the United Kingdom) are committed to supporting this regional cooperation and strengthening the international means to combat Boko Haram and protect victims. All these states reaffirm their commitment to human rights and particularly the protection of girls who are victims of violence and forced marriage or threatened with slavery," the statement said of the summit which was also attended by representatives of the United States, United Kingdom and European Union.

On regional cooperation, the statement said, "Nigeria and its neighbours will build analysis and response capabilities that will contribute to enhancing the security of all populations and the rule of law in the areas affected by Boko Haram’s terrorist acts."

To combat the Boko Haram threat, particularly as recently manifested through several murderous attacks and the abduction of more than 270 school girls, it said Nigeria and its neighbours had decided to immediately take certain bilateral and multilateral steps.

On a bilateral basis, it said the summit decided to: Implement coordinated patrols with the aim of combating Boko Haram and locating the missing school girls; establish a system to pool intelligence in order to support this operation, establish mechanisms for information exchange on trafficking of weapons and bolster measures to secure weapons stockpiles; and establish mechanisms for border.surveillance;

On a multilateral basis, it said the summit resolved to: Establish an intelligence pooling unit; and create a dedicated team to identify means of implementation and draw up, during a second phase, a regional counter-terrorism strategy in the framework of the Lake Chad Basin Commission.
"The United States, the United Kingdom, France and the European Union will coordinate their support for this regional cooperation through technical expertise, training programmes and support for border-area management programmes," it said, "the participants commit to accelerating the implementation of international sanctions against Boko Haram, Ansaru and their main leaders, within the United Nations framework as a priority."

It said the EU would dedicate a certain number of its programmes to these aspects and would strengthen its efforts to combat radicalization, adding that a follow-up meeting would be hosted by the United Kingdom next month at ministerial level to review progress on the Paris action plan.
President Jonathan, while speaking at the event, defended his decision to cancel a visit to the town of Chibok from where more than 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram Islamist militants more than a month ago.

"What is of interest now is to locate the girls. The girls are not in Chibok," he said. The last-minute cancellation of a visit to the town, ostensibly for security reasons, was widely criticised. "I will visit Chibok," he said, but did not give a date.

Jonathan also dismissed criticism that the Nigerian response had been slow, saying the terror "only started in 2009 and we didn't have the architecture to deal with that."

"As we progress you will see that the Nigerian military will cope. Definitely we will overcome it," he said, referring to the Boko Haram group.

"We are totally committed to finding the girls, wherever they are," Jonathan said, adding, "The major challenge that we have faced in our search and rescue operation so far has been the deluge of misinformation about the whereabouts of the girls and the circumstances of their disappearance.

"We have deployed about 20,000 troops to the area, intensified aerial surveillance, and strengthened local intelligence resources. We shall spare no effort, we shall explore every avenue; we shall turn every stone, to ensure the return of the girls to their families and that the terrorists are defeated."

President Jonathan said, "We will not succumb to terrorists and their dangerous tactics. Terrorists will not be allowed to define who we are or instil fear in our people and cause destruction and mayhem. The time has therefore come for all peace-loving peoples of the world to unite against this new threat to global peace and stability.

Jonathan called for United Nations sanctions on the terror group and their leaders, adding, “the Boko Haram that said no to Western education in 2002 is not the same Boko Haram operating today.”

"At the international level, we should take concrete steps to designate the Al Qaeda in West Africa, alias Boko Haram, as a Terrorist Organisation on the basis of the Proscription Order that my government has already imposed on the organisation" the president averred.

He canvassed for acceleration in the implementation of other international sanctions, particularly under the auspices of the United Nations, on Boko Haram, Ansaru and their principal leaders.
The president informed the summit that already, his government was making thorough intelligence efforts to identify their sponsors and their sources of funding and arms supply.

Jonathan noted that with the cooperation of Nigeria’s neighbours, it would be possible to rein in these organisations until this scourge is ultimately eliminated and defeated.

On reports that Cameroon was not co-operating with Nigeria, Jonathan noted that “Cameroon has in the past helped to intercept arms meant for terror operations in Nigeria.”
He said though international laws bars Nigerian troops from crossing Cameroon border to engage the terror group, but stressed that “that does not mean Cameroon is not co-operating with us”.

Going down memory lane, he said, "But let me state clearly from the outset that what started as a local insurgency in North Eastern Nigeria has now evolved into the new frontier of the global war of terrorism against our civilization, our way of life, and against the many prospects of stability in our region. This is not anymore a challenge to Nigeria alone; it is a threat to each and every one of us in this room.

"The group is hostile to democracy; it uses every means to indoctrinate its members; its ultimate objective is to destabilize the country, and take over Nigeria in order to turn it into a base of operation in West Africa and the entire continent.

"Since 2009, we have had to contend with many attacks and killings, which have now developed into a full-scale war targeting the stability and integrity of our nation. Boko Haram has launched a vicious guerrilla-style campaign against the government and the people of Nigeria. It has attacked schools, slaughtered students in their dormitories, destroyed villages, communities and government infrastructure and has wreaked havoc on the economic and social life of our people.

"This unconventional war has so far claimed over twelve thousand lives, with more than 8, 000 persons injured or maimed, not to mention the displacement of thousands of innocent Nigerians.
"We have developed intelligence, which indicates that global terrorist networks are deeply involved in the recent activities of Boko Haram, which has now turned into an integral part of the Al Qaeda network as the West African Branch. More tellingly, the group runs an international network of training and incubation centres in such places as Gao and Kidal areas of Mali, the Diffa, Maradi and Maina Soro areas of Niger Republic, Maroua and Garoua areas of Republic of Cameroun, the Zango and Ridina quarters in Ndjamena, Chad, the Ranky-Kotsy area of Sudan, and also some cells in the Central African Republic" the president noted.

He said, "We believe that it is the success of our administration’s Transformation Agenda, evident in the growth of our economy and increasing opportunities for our people, that has prompted the terrorists to intensify the war against Nigeria, because our success is their failure.
"The activities of the terrorists have also been felt across Nigerian borders particularly in Chad, Niger and Cameroon. Border and cross-border attacks have taken place with Boko Haram terrorists seeking refuge in our neighbouring countries. So many Nigerians, fleeing from terror attacks, have also become refugees in our neighbouring countries creating additional burden (security and financial) in those countries.

Meanwhile, just hours ahead of the summit, the Islamist group carried out another brazen attack, this time killing one Chinese worker and kidnapping 10 others in Cameroon - underlining the regional threat posed by the group.

There were however other reports that said the location where the attack took place was Nigerian territory - Kusuri village in Gwoza local government area of the troubled Borno State.
Militants were said to havestormed an encampment used by Chinese road workers late on Friday in a region of northern Cameroon just across the border from the town where they abducted the girls a month ago.

"The Boko Haram militants were heavily armed, they came in five vehicles," an official in Waza, a town near the site of the attack, said on condition of anonymity.

He said the camp where the Chinese road workers stayed was usually guarded by soldiers from Cameroon's elite Rapid Intervention Battalion, but many of the troops were in Yaounde for a military parade.

"Cameroonian soldiers retaliated and the fighting lasted until 3:00 am (0200 GMT)," said a local police chief. He said one Chinese worker was killed and 10 others had been missing since the attack and were believed kidnapped by the Boko Haram gunmen.

A source close to the Chinese embassy in the Cameroonian capital Yaounde spoke of 10 missing and one wounded but would not confirm or deny whether one had been killed.

In another deadly incident, about 29 persons were feared killed in an attack on a market in Ngurosoye village in Bama local government area of Borno State, residents of the area have claimed.

It was gathered on Saturday that the insurgents came on several motorcycles and six Hilux Pick-up vehicles and immediately went about shooting indiscriminately and firing rockets at the market which caused the death of some traders.

A security source who spoke to journalists on condition of anonymity said, 29 lifeless bodies were counted moments after the attack, which also caused injuries to several other people.
He lamented: "The attacks of the insurgents on the state rather than decreasing is seriously increasing and the killings these days are in greater number," urging that: "I think it is time government allow us to cordon this Sambisa and destroy all these evil people."

It would be recalled that this makes it the third time insurgents are attacking the same market since the Boko Haram crisis began in 2009.

Ngurosoye village is about 56 kilometers from Maiduguri, the Borno state capital, which is also a gateway into the dreaded Sambisa forests.

A resident of Bama town who spoke anonymously with journalists said, the people had heard rumour of possible attack on the area by the insurgents about two weeks ago.

It would be recalled that gunmen marauders few days ago attacked some villages around Gwoza town where 17 people were reported to have been killed and properties worth millions of naira were destroy by the attackers.

Commissioner for Tourism in the state, Dr. Vilita Bashir, who visited the area to commiserate with the people told them that, the governor, Kashim Shettima was touched by their lost.
She also presented some relief materials to the victims of the attack on behalf of the Borno state government and urged the people to continue to pray for the return of peace in the northeast region.

The attackers also destroyed a bridge linking the various villages in the area, where the Chinese construction workers were working, it was gathered.

Attempts made to get the Borno State Police Commissioner Lawal Tanko and the spokesman of the 7 Division of the Nigerian Army, Col. Muhammad Dole, yielded no result as at time of filing this report.

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Arsène Wenger described Arsenal's 3-2 victory over Hull City in the FA Cup final as a "big moment of happiness", and even went as far as to suggest that the club's first major piece of silverware in nine years was the most important in his time at the club.

Arsenal had to show all their fighting qualities on a sapping day at Wembley, after finding themselves 2-0 down inside eight first-half minutes, thanks to goals from James Chester and Curtis Davies. Wenger admitted feeling "shock" at the blistering start made by Steve Bruce's side and fearful that his "nervous" players would not overcome the setback.

However, Santi Cazorla's rasping free-kick after 17 minutes got them back into the contest before a much improved second-half display resulted in Laurent Koscielny equalising for Arsenal after 71 minutes, and Aaron Ramsey securing the winner in extra time.

"I feel relief and happiness because we were under severe pressure to win today and didn't start well," said Wenger. "But, in the end, it finished well, so this is a big moment of happiness for us.

"We waited a long time for this and the happiness is linked sometimes with the suffering, and the time that you have to wait."

Branded a "specialist in failure" by José Mourinho earlier in the season, Wenger now joins Sir Alex Ferguson in having won the FA Cup five times as a manager. Yet, for him, this triumph has a resonance beyond that because it meant the club finally followed up on their success in the final of 2005's FA Cup competition, when Arsenal beat Manchester United 5-4 on penalties to claim the trophy. That was the seventh major honour of Wenger's reign, a spell that, at that stage, also included two Doubles.

"This was more important than all the others," said the Frenchman. "We have twice won the double, but were not under pressure then like we were today.

"This is an important moment in the life of this team; to lose today would have been a major setback, but winning gives us a good platform to come back stronger next year."

There had been speculation before Saturday's match that Wenger would not be at the club next season, given that his contract with Arsenal has expired. Yet the manager has insisted he always planned to sign a fresh deal and all but confirmed that after victory here, which comes on the back of Arsenal's fourth-place finish in the Premier League, and qualification for the play-off stages of the Champions League.

"That [signing a new contract] normally should happen and we are in very normal circumstances now," Wenger said. "It was never a question of leaving, it was a question of doing the right thing for this squad and you have to accept, in England, that the Premier League is very tough. It is difficult [to beat the top clubs] but we will again try."

Bruce suggested afterwards that the decisions that led to Arsenal's first two goals were mistakes on the part of the referee, Lee Probert. Replays showed that the corner kick from which Koscielny equalised after 71 minutes should have been awarded as a Hull goal-kick because striker Yaya Sanogo got the final touch to Oliver Giroud's cross.

Arsenal, however, arguably deserved to get back into this contest given their increased share of possession and territory after the break, with Ramsey's first-time, low strike after 109 minutes just reward for another excellent display by the Welsh midfielder.

"He was not in the [PFA] team of the year or in the football writers' team of the year, and he deserved to be," said Wenger. "He certainly popped up at the right moment again today."

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"The Bokos kidnapped girls and forced them to change their religion. Islam says: 'Let there be no compulsion in religion..'(Qur’an 2:256).

The Bokos have forcefully married off girls. Islam says: 'Do not inherit women against their will'(Qur’an 4:19).

The Bokos are aggressive towards those who do not follow their beliefs.
Islam says: 'IF IT HAD BEEN YOUR LORD’S WILL, all of the people on Earth would have believed [in one religion]..'(Quran 10:99).

The Bokos have murdered thousands of Muslims and Christians alike in cold blood. Islam says: '..if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.'(Quran 5:32).

The Bokos use the cover of Islam to commit their mayhem and claim they are doing God’s work.

The Bokos believe once you are not with them you are an enemy to them.
Islam says: 'O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other)..'Quran 49:13).

The Bokos have unleashed tyranny and indecency in the land.
Islam says: 'God commands justice and doing good and giving to relatives. And He forbids indecency and doing wrong and tyranny..'(Quran 16:90).

Despite all their false claims its clear, for those who wish to see, that the Bokos do not represent Islam because they are clearly acting against it!"

Do not denigrate the whole because a hole was poked by a tiny band of convoluted minds, warped nitwits, bigots & godless impostors. Yes, Boko Haram is anti Islam.


Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

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Dear Mr. President.

I write to appreciate the present collaboration of your regime with foreign forces to helm in terror. Sir please balance the U.S interest by allowing French and Chinese support that way we can reduce neo-imperialist control. To those who oppose the foreign support may I hasten to say that the fight against terrorism has since become a universal collective.

However Mr. President what troubles the carapace of my mind is the fraternity your regime appears to hold with corruption. It is a curious dalliance most benumbing. Sir, you appear to have allowed the sway of corruption, rather than run government, corruption appears to have taken over as it ruins the nation.

The global press have scored your regime an abysmal low and two days ago the New York Times adjudged your government corrupt. Your bark-dogs and Aides will say otherwise BUT under your watch we have witnessed unbridled corruption ala the fuel subsidy scam, the Pensions scam, various power sector scam, funds missing or stolen from or by the NNPC with the imprimatur of your invincible and infallible Petroleum Minister, the Czar called Deziani Allison-Madueke. What about the Immigration employment scam and the attendant deaths, yet non has been punished, the litany is ad nauseam ad infinitum.

Tragically for politics our people are polarized along religious and sectional lines and have refused to ask questions, it is a social space predominated with issues on insecurity and or whether as a President from the South South you must have a 2nd term. Sadly albeit luck for you the dimensions are so banal that the issues have shifted from whether your scorecard qualifies you for another 4years to "If they stop him, Jonathan will be the last President of a united Nigeria". Sir your agents and those of the Haramists cannot destroy Nigeria, YES Nigeria shall outlive this Shenanigans.

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

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Dear Mr. President.

I write with utter amazement at the troubling cloak of our politics. I write because I deeply believe that the time is always right to do right. I am confident that it is never late to turn things around.

Sir, I must hasten to state unequivocally that some of us your avowed critics are your true friends not foes. We smack you so you can do right but tragically you have for Aides men who would rather tell you what you want to hear than tell you the truth, their price is the messy blood soaked porridge that Aso Rock cooks. Sad.

They got you on air last night in the name of a Presidential Media Chat to politic with matters of national security, sadly they wouldn't tell you that in such matters action speaks louder than words. The global press and other world Leaders have condemned the cataclysmic spate of, and the harrowing homeland insecurity in far stronger words than you have. Why?

Your Excellency platitudes won't console the bereaved. Platitudes will not reassure the weary that our worry about who else or where next is unfounded. Platitudes will not bring back the missing girls. And platitudes will not take the buck away from your table, as the C-in-C the buck stops at your table.

Sir, in what was the 7th Presidential Media Chat of your regime you committed an intellectual sacrilege when you said that the Niger Delta Militancy was not terrorism, what was it Sir?
Was it Boko Haram that murdered Security men in Odi for which Obj leveled Odi? Ok that wasn't terrorism?

You are the President of Nigeria not of the South-South only. You are the C-in-C not Gov. Shema. You are the first citizen not Tinubu or Buhari. Your Party is the ruling party not the APC. And the entire apparatus of State Security and defense is at your command not any other persons' to wield, so tell your Aides and bark-dogs to be true to you and true to God.

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.


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An Open Letter To Mr. President I By Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr. (Must Read)

An Open Letter To Mr, President II By Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr

"....Sir, posterity shall hold you responsible not your Aides for the failure of governance. History shall be unkind to you not the opposition should Nigeria implode under your watch therefore get to work and protect us. Get to work and forget the blame game cum politics."

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

Via Agbo's Blog

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Dear Mr. President.

I write as a bonafide citizen, I write as a concerned Nigerian, I write as one who feels the pain of the hoi polloi and I write not as a reckless critic, the fact that I was one of the 19 candidates that ran against you in the 2011 general elections doesn't make me a foe.

I sympathize with Your Excellency for the spate of tragedies that have inundated your watch. I condole with my Countrymen who have been at the receiving end of a harrowing and traumatizing insurgency that has left families dislocated, created more widows, left school children in trauma, turned our daughters to sex slaves and consumed countless lives and properties.

Dear Mr. President some curious happenings around you and some steps that Your Excellency has taken lately benumbs me. It is either you are surrounded by Fifth Columnists as Advisers or that you have deliberately chosen to be unperturbed by the anomie that threatens the nation and civil society.

Why will you cancel a Federal Executive meeting because your Vice President's younger brother passed on a few days earlier BUT proceed to Kano for a PDP rally the very day after over 75 Nigerians were killed by insurgents via bombs at Nyanya, Abuja and two days after over 200girls were abducted by terrorists in Chibok, Bornu State. Mr. President as the C-in-C the buck stops at your table so kill the politics and the blame game that follows every tragedy, tell your image makers, your Advisers and your bark-dogs to cease the politics and take proactive and profound steps to protect the nation and her citizens, such is the minimum required of you.

Sir, posterity shall hold you responsible not your Aides for the failure of governance. History shall be unkind to you not the opposition should Nigeria implode under your watch therefore get to work and protect us. Get to work and forget the blame game cum politics.

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.


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Friday, May 16, 2014


I am totally opposed to the proposed or otherwise raging swap deal. Prisoners swap is totally different from what presently is the case. Those who cite Israel's exchange of 1000 Palestine prisoners for an Israeli Soldier are in error.

The Israeli phenomenon/instance isn't trite here because it was an exchange between authorities. Israel and Palestine, sometimes between Israel and Labanon, Egypt, Syria et al. Here we are talking about murderous and impious terrorists, any negotiation must not include swapping innocence for killers, if that mistake is made, then the Haramist wins because a blackmail paradigm and an ominous precedent comes into place where they will attack and kill more people with impunity knowing that after each reign of terror, they will abduct/kidnap kids as pawns of negotiation for their prisoners.

Believe me since Boko Haram is directly responsible for over 4,000 deaths so far, government must show that much as they care about our young Angels the sensibilities of the bereaved and the widows of the dead count, the best way out of this rock and a hard ground situation is to offer Boko Haram immunity from prosecution in exchange for our Angels and keep their prisoners in custody until such a time that their activities exterminate and their terror network goes extinct.

It is therefore really not a between the devil and the blue sea situation, it is about government showing that its chief motive is and remains the end, the extinction and the extermination of terrorism within and around our shores.

Say no to any exchange of our Angels/Innocence for killers/murderers, this is a critique with solution.


Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr. Pin:3317521

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WISE CRACKS..Much as I have never re-posted any of the many scornful broadcasts on the First Lady, for my children & other custodians of the collective trust of a highly progressive world I must repudiate all works excusing the laze of our First Lady.

Our First Lady might be the best & the most supportive wife any man would wish for & perhaps to GEJ a super-woman, but as the First Lady she is not the best example of loyalty to husband & nation as she lacks the Constitutional powers to conduct an Inquiry into the Chibok mess, same event where she murdered the English language.

For those who outlined how she made her husband, she should have at least paid teachers to help her with her English, don't forget that such is the practice everywhere in the world, our footballers & many First Ladies across the world have paid teachers for skills in communication, so do not excuse or applaud our First Lady's laziness.

English is our lingua franca as such it is our language so one should strive towards the average especially when one is in public life. Besides, that God uses and or lifts anybody indiscriminate of academic qualification does not mean that God applauds laze or mediocrity. Paul became the greatest Apostle not Peter, Paul overwhelmed Agrippa with his learning, learning perhaps set Paul who wasn't with Christ physically miles ahead of Peter who was with Christ.

We should be careful how for politics we muddle waters, Lady P is GEJ's pillar great, she is our First Lady true BUT she is not a good example of the doggedness required of one in public life to overcome ones inadequacies. God is the originator of learning & excellence, our First Lady 'should go & brush up joor'.

To the mundane being a First Lady is an achievement BUT truly it is not because it is not an office known to the Law, whilst Chris Ngige was Governor he didn't have a First Lady in the Govt House though married & his wife didn't cry blue murder. THINK!!

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

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