Saturday, May 17, 2014


Dear Mr. President.

I write to appreciate the present collaboration of your regime with foreign forces to helm in terror. Sir please balance the U.S interest by allowing French and Chinese support that way we can reduce neo-imperialist control. To those who oppose the foreign support may I hasten to say that the fight against terrorism has since become a universal collective.

However Mr. President what troubles the carapace of my mind is the fraternity your regime appears to hold with corruption. It is a curious dalliance most benumbing. Sir, you appear to have allowed the sway of corruption, rather than run government, corruption appears to have taken over as it ruins the nation.

The global press have scored your regime an abysmal low and two days ago the New York Times adjudged your government corrupt. Your bark-dogs and Aides will say otherwise BUT under your watch we have witnessed unbridled corruption ala the fuel subsidy scam, the Pensions scam, various power sector scam, funds missing or stolen from or by the NNPC with the imprimatur of your invincible and infallible Petroleum Minister, the Czar called Deziani Allison-Madueke. What about the Immigration employment scam and the attendant deaths, yet non has been punished, the litany is ad nauseam ad infinitum.

Tragically for politics our people are polarized along religious and sectional lines and have refused to ask questions, it is a social space predominated with issues on insecurity and or whether as a President from the South South you must have a 2nd term. Sadly albeit luck for you the dimensions are so banal that the issues have shifted from whether your scorecard qualifies you for another 4years to "If they stop him, Jonathan will be the last President of a united Nigeria". Sir your agents and those of the Haramists cannot destroy Nigeria, YES Nigeria shall outlive this Shenanigans.

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

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