Friday, May 16, 2014

WISE CRACKS..Much as I have never re-posted any of the many scornful broadcasts on the First Lady, for my children & other custodians of the collective trust of a highly progressive world I must repudiate all works excusing the laze of our First Lady.

Our First Lady might be the best & the most supportive wife any man would wish for & perhaps to GEJ a super-woman, but as the First Lady she is not the best example of loyalty to husband & nation as she lacks the Constitutional powers to conduct an Inquiry into the Chibok mess, same event where she murdered the English language.

For those who outlined how she made her husband, she should have at least paid teachers to help her with her English, don't forget that such is the practice everywhere in the world, our footballers & many First Ladies across the world have paid teachers for skills in communication, so do not excuse or applaud our First Lady's laziness.

English is our lingua franca as such it is our language so one should strive towards the average especially when one is in public life. Besides, that God uses and or lifts anybody indiscriminate of academic qualification does not mean that God applauds laze or mediocrity. Paul became the greatest Apostle not Peter, Paul overwhelmed Agrippa with his learning, learning perhaps set Paul who wasn't with Christ physically miles ahead of Peter who was with Christ.

We should be careful how for politics we muddle waters, Lady P is GEJ's pillar great, she is our First Lady true BUT she is not a good example of the doggedness required of one in public life to overcome ones inadequacies. God is the originator of learning & excellence, our First Lady 'should go & brush up joor'.

To the mundane being a First Lady is an achievement BUT truly it is not because it is not an office known to the Law, whilst Chris Ngige was Governor he didn't have a First Lady in the Govt House though married & his wife didn't cry blue murder. THINK!!

Prof. Chris Nwaokobia Jnr.

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