Thursday, May 29, 2014

Good News: First ‘Made-In-Nigeria’ Nissan SUV Launched By President Jonathan (SNAPSHOT) May 29, 2014

In what is a plus for Nigerians, the economy, and, of course, President Jonathan’s administration, Nissan launched today, May 29, 2014 its first SUVs assembled in Nigeria.
The launch of the ‘Made-in-Nigeria’ SUVs was part of the Democracy Day celebrations held at the Presidential Villa in Aso Rock.

The global car manufacturer had in January, 2014 promised to deliver the first ‘Made-in-Nigeria’ SUV by April 2014. Chief Executive Officer of Nissan Motors, Carlos Ghosn, had made the promise at the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland to President Jonathan. 

Photos of this historic occasion were published on Twitter by President Jonathan’s Senior Special Advisor in Media and Publicity, Reuben Abati.

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