Friday, August 22, 2014

If I expose the demons in APC, Nigeria will burn – Fani-Kayode 

Former Minister of Aviation, Chief Fani-Kayode, has said Nigeria will burn if he exposes the antics of his ‘former’ party, APC. Fani- Kayode also advised former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to put an end to his romance with the leadership of the All Progressives Congress (APC) because the party hierarchy detests him and are only ‘using him’ to ride to power. The controversial former minister who made the revelations via a statement stated that it was unfortunate that the ex-president has not seen beyond the veil in his relationship with the leadership of APC. In his own words, “I will also use my good offices to talk to Baba Obasanjo to stop flirting with these demons in the APC, because deep down, they secretly hate him. Other than those that left PDP to go to APC, the rest of them despise OBJ and are only using him. We must save OBJ from them. “I once described the party (PDP) as a ‘sinking ship’ and, at the time, I meant it. However, it is now my firm resolve that we shall join hands with all men and women of goodwill from now on and, together, we shall stop that ship from sinking. This is because we have no choice but to do so. “I would rather go back to a sinking ship and salvage it rather than be in bed with a bunch of ruthless men and women, who have blood on their hands and whose desperation for power and to rule over those that they believe were born to be their slaves, borders on obsession. “Despite all its defects and challenges, I have gone back to my family, the PDP, and I am glad to be back there. I am also glad that they have welcomed me with open arms. Now the work begins”. Fani-Kayode further revealed that he was ready to expose the atrocities of APC, which, according to him, was parading itself as an alternative to the PDP. “So far, I have only revealed 10 per cent of what I know because I do not want to create havoc in this country....

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