Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Johnathan's Songs of Praise--

I utterly beg to differ with Mallam Nuhu Ribadu's assertion. If he says the APC does not have what it takes to change Nigeria, well that's up to him, after all, he was once with them! My Question now, is does his perceived inability, of the APC to change Nigeria, a yardstick for him to say that President Jonathan has surpassed his vision for Nigeria? Oh, my God, that was a very patronising statement! Has Ribadu suddenly forgotten, everything he said about President Jonathan? As the Chairman of Presidential committee that verify the revenue due to Nigeria, and having found that Nigeria lost $183m in signature bonus to fraudulent practices, under President Jonathan, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu presented the report of the committee to the presidency, and he consistently lambasted the President for not releasing the findings, the ills, the blame and perhaps the cure of his committee to the public. In fact, up till date, President Jonathan is yet to release the findings of the Ribadu's committee let alone to punish the corrupt officials and provide cure to the problems. The consequence is the corrupt officials and the NNPc have been embolden to the extent, that various huge sums are either missing or converted into private pockets under the watch of President Jonathan. It was after Ribadu's findings that $20bn was missing, it was after Ribadu's findings that Mrs DieZani Alison Madueke's $20M chartered jet was discovered. Amidst gross financial misdeeds several cases of maladministration! Besides the painful fact that the Jonathanian administration has now painfully divided Nigeria along ethnic and religious lines Therefore it is self serving, it is dangerous, it is unbelievable that Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, who once said that President Jonathan was covering up corruption, could now be the one singing a lullaby of honor for President Jonathan. Look at how Nigerian politicians are destroying our youth,destroying Nigeria's future ~MurtaZa Micky Yusuf

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