Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Remmy Ksr Hazzan > Ogun People's Forum
Good morning great citizens of Ogun State. My name is Remmy Hazzan, an indigenes of Ogun State and a major stakeholder in the Ogun State project. Having appraised all of what our dear governor presented as his stewardship on the state owned TV station last night, it is imperative that Ogun State people who are equally stakeholders in the Ogun State project ascertain the true position of things as regards governance in our dear state.
To this end, since it has constantly been the the government's words against that of the oppositions, I on behalf of all opposition figures challenge the government of Senator Ibikunle Amosun to a live debate on National TV where all matters will be laid bare on the table and our people can then conclude as they are convinced.
The MONOLOGUE on TV last night does not tell the story. We await the administration's acceptance of this challenge as early as possible. Modalities will then be set out by the two sides accordingly..
God bless Ogun State.

Remmy Adewale Hazzan, FCIArb

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