Friday, August 22, 2014

Press Briefing by the Honourable Minister of Health,  Prof. C. O. Onyebuchi Chukwu: Status Update on Ebola Virus Disease in Nigeria

Nigeria has now recorded the first two (2) cases of Ebola Virus Disease in secondary contacts of the index case, the Liberian-American.

The two patients are spouses of primary contacts of the Liberian-American. They are among the secondary contacts who have been under surveillance.

This now brings to four (4) the total number of Ebola Virus Disease patients currently under treatment at the isolation ward.

This also means that the total number of cases of Ebola Virus Disease so far reported in the country is fourteen (14). The number of deaths still remains five (5), while the number of those successfully managed and discharged also stands at five (5).

The Federal Government, working with the Lagos State Government and other partners, will continue to maintain vigilance, continue to strengthen our containment activities, and wishes to reassure the Nigerian public and the global community that efforts will not relent until the very last case of the Ebola Virus Disease is seen in Nigeria.

Thank you.


Dan Nwomeh

Special Assistant on Media and Communication to the Minister
Federal Ministry of Health
1st Floor, Federal Secretariat Complex, Phase III
Ahmadu Bello Way, Abuja 

08033236501, 07054658028

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